Past Life

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                   It hurts, the pain, the sadness, knowing you could have done something yet did nothing. I could have stopped it, I could have saved her and many others and now my brother is going into war and I can't stop him. Poor Percy, my brother who I love so much and I know he is the one who dies in the prophecy, Annabeth told me the prophecy because she believed I could save him. But now I'm far away relaxing with my cousin while knowing that he is about to die.

              I could hear them, voices in my head telling me that it was my fault and they were right. My mom and so many others dead because of me, I deserved anything I got, I deserved to die.

             I couldn't tell where I was or what I was doing, the fates truly were cruel most likely spinning every demigods life with barbed wire.


        The screaming , the crying, the pain, it was all my fault. I tried, I really did try but the floor creaked and he heard me , now my mother pays the price because I couldn't take it and she told him not to hit me.

         The more I thought of the terrible memory, the more my sobs got louder. I paid no mind to my surroundings or the people around me because there was only four people who could help me when I got like this. One of them was dead just like my mother.


            I had enough, he harmed us too much and I won't allow this to keep happening. We would leave tonight, silently I disobeyed my mother left my room following the sounds of  crashing and screaming. Until they suddenly were silent, fearing the worst I ran the rest of the way into the room were my mother was being beaten by my horrible step father.

          Bursting into the room with my backpack full of clothes and food that I had packed for when we left, I saw the most horrible thing I could imagine. My mother was laying on the floor bleeding out a terrible beast stood over her, it had sharp claws and teeth with red eyes, it kind of reminded me of a dog. Not only that but I saw a few feet away my abusive step-father dead, there were bite marks all over his body and even after all he did to us I wondered if it was too harsh a fate.

            The ugly dog turned to me and bared its fangs, it growled and started to slowly make its way toward me and I knew that I would die. Then just as it pounced the window behind the monster broke and something came hurtling toward us, "duck!" and I did just as  two figures came threw and attacked the beast.

            Crawling I quickly made my way to my dying mother and gasped when I saw how she was. "Mommy?"

             "don't worry Pearl" she breathes out using my middle name "you'll be fine without me"

                      "No mom, you can't leave I, I love you." She smiles at me as if she weren't dying or in pain,

              " and I love you too, but I need you to let go and to go with those boys who will protect you" I look behind me to see the two figures who had saved me.

              " I don't understand, protect me from what? you can't die, you can't leave me"  again she smiles but this time its as if were sharing a secret " I suppose you wouldn't understand, not yet anyways, your father told me they would come for you, I was foolish to keep you close to me."

          One of the people behind me spoke up "we have to go there will be more coming" my mother gave a short nod and looked back at me "two more things, do you still have your bracelet and earing's?" when I nodded she continued "good they will protect you, also in a gold box on my desk will be a envelope take it and don't open it till your thirteenth birthday and only your thirteenth."

            As she says those words I could hear her breath slowing down and I panicked "mom please, we can save you, we can get you to the hospi-" my voice died as she took her last breath and her last words. "I love you my Pearl"

 Flashback End

                I died a little that day, my mother was my world she kept me grounded when I would come home screaming from bullies. She protected me from the demon people called my step-father, and what cost her life, she held off the hellhound when she could have ran away.

           My cousin Bella knew that she died but she didn't know the truth, she thought that there had been a fire because after I left the house my companions burnt the house down. They said that even the mist couldn't hide something that big, they used the mist on the police making them think that they sent me to a private school.


                   The two boys who had saved me and killed the monster pulled me too my feet saying that we had to go. They let me grab my bag and the envelope my mother told me about before they pulled me out of the house, one of them had to drag me away kicking and screaming when I heard they were going to burn the house down.

              When we finally got away from the burning house I rounded on the boys and got a good look at them. One of them was tall and blond, he had a good build for a twelve year old and his eyes were a sky blue however he had a strange scar on his lip.

                 The other boy was about my height, which was pretty short for a guy. He had chocolate curls for hair and moss green eyes, on his face was a smirk which I figured was always there. Both boys wore purple shirts and on there arms were some strange tattoos.

               "Who are you?" I ask cautiously, both of the strange boys smiled like they were happy to see I wasn't going to attack them from burning down the only home I've ever known.

                  The blonde boy was the one who spoke for both of them "my name is Jason Grace and this Nathen Valentine, and we need you to come with us."

                 Wow, I'm so happy I wrote a longer chapter this time and let me just say it feels great. Also did you like what I did there, adding Jason into the story, You totally would have saw it coming if you read the other chapter, Capture The Flag. Oh and if you think I'm done with the surprises then you are sooooo wrong, I now have this whole thing I want to do in this story and I just know that its going to surprise you, It also fits in with the sequel I told you I might do after I finish this story. Anyways, I don't have school on Monday or Tuesday so I might update on one of those days.

Peace out, Live4Fandom

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