Now......Now Its Too Late

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  Alexandria's POV

              By the time I realized that I was maybe to late, it was already too late. 

     Running threw the streets of Olympus with falling debris and cracked roads is not something you wanna do.

        Turning down street after street I finally came in view of the throne room. But of course as always there were complications, "Thalia!!"

     The immortal daughter of Zeus was to my surprise under a big fat Hera. The giant queen was made out of marble and undoubtfully heavy, I think the person who made it did a good job at her emotionless expression.

         "Alex? About time you got here" Thalia rolled her eyes at me and gestured toward the throne room. "They went that way, you better hurry Kronos is about to destroy the gods thrones."

        I nodded and was about to rush off but thought better of it "lets get you free first" She snorted and gestures toward the big fat Hera. "You think you could lift her, you go and help them and I'll stay right here."

          After a small stare down I nod and rush off hopefully toward victory and not sudden death.

  .................This is a magical Time Skip...........Where all dreams come true...............................

         What I found was not what I was expecting, the seen I saw made me want to just go curl up and die.

          There was Grover tending to Annabeth a few feet away, on the floor was Luke holding Annie's knife to his armpit and over him was Percy.

             Bursting in as quick as I could I quickly shout out "Luke NOOOOO!!!!!" All of them were so surprised that I took the advantage and ran to Luke's side.

           I was now looking down at Luke who smiled weakly back up at me. "Hey Andria, not the way I imagined I'd go out huh" Shaking my head I pull him close.

       "No Luke, you can't talk like that, you'll make it out .......and you''ll be the brother........the brother I always thought you were" I was chocking up.

         In the corner of my eye I saw Annabeth and Percy sit next to me. Annie, who was like my sister grabbed my hand and we both silently cried knowing our brother figure is about to die.

        "You were a hero Luke" Annabeth's voice shook "you'll go to elysuim" coughing up a bit of blood Luke shook his head. "Go for rebirth......try three times....then isle of bless"

          Both of us shook our heads "you always tried too hard Luke" I say softly to him. Coughing up more blood her turns his head as much as he could toward Annabeth.

   "Did you.......did you love me?" For a split second I saw Annbeth look on with surprise, she stuttered for a bit but then looked toward my brother and I knew her answer.

        "You were like a brother to me Luke" she said softly "but I, I didn't love you" nodding he let out another weak smile. Vaguely I could her Grover saying something about ambrosia but I knew he was too far gone.

       Again I could hear a conversation going on around me between Luke and Percy but I was stuck in memory land.

          "Luke!! Can we go to the beach?" Twelve year old me states and I was smiled down upon. "Sure, lets go get Annie and we can all go!!!

                Visions of the three of us played in m mind and I flashed to the time we first met.

          "Luke if you could be so kind as to take miss Alexandria to the Hermes cabin" Chiron had stated and I followed him out of the big house. Tilting his head he for some reason starts questioning me, "your name is Alexandria?" 

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