Explanation and Another IM

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(Warning: I did not edit this so if you see spelling mistakes please tell me so I can fix them, Thanks) (Also there is a important author's note at the end of this chapter)

 Bella's POV

                So I've seen some pretty strange things in my life here at Forks, but I have to say this was the strangest. One of my few family members left was a demigod, she explained what she was and that she had to leave to go save her half-brother's life.

                The conversation went sort of like this.............

  Flashback still Bella's POV

           Alex had turned around slowly and since I know her so well I could tell she was nervous. I didn't want her to be nervous or upset to talk to us but I was curious, I thought I knew everything about her but it was now clear she was hiding something big from me.

            Surprisingly the first to unfreeze from their shock was Emmet, he shook his head clearly bewildered "what was that thing!!"

            "an Iris Message" Alex answers " they're used by the mythical world to communicate" almost everyone including me looks confused then.

         "The mythical world?" Rosalie questions "what do you mean the mythical world?"

                 My cousin smirks evilly, which after knowing her forever I find she does it a lot "why don't you ask Carsile, I know that he was the one to rat out you guys to Chiron so I would be safe." 

             Everyone then turns to Carsile wondering what she meant and he turns to Alex "how did you know it was me?"

           "I knew that it had to be someone Chiron could trust with his life, someone who already knew about our world"

             The rest of us were trying to follow the conversation but we were utterly and totally lost. But one thing was certain now, Alex wasn't human and Carsile knew all along but didn't tell us.

  Now Edward's POV

             Something obviously wasn't right, and the fact that Carsile knew about it and didn't tell us just made me all the more unsettled. The way Alex kept saying my world and our world also unsettled me, we already had to deal with the volturi and we didn't need anymore complications.

           Alex and Carsile were too busy arguing to answer our questions so I decided to get answers myself. Looking into Carsile's thought I could see that he was worried about a friend of his, he had mentioned him a few times but he never said his first name and always called him Mr. Brunner.    

           I could now see that the famous Mr. Brunner was this Chiron they kept talking about, I could also see the word demigod popping up into his mind every so often. "What's a demigod Carsile?" I was finally able to but into the conversation.

             "Listen my family, it is hard to explain what exactly is going on so I will show you, Alex if you may" he gestures toward the water and Alex slowly approaches it taking out some type of prism. Whatever she was doing I just hoped we would get some answers soon.

 Now Seth's POV

           This was bad, this was very, very bad. Not only will Bella, Jake, and the Cullens find out about me and Alex being demigods I could feel the other wolves nearby listening into the conversation.

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