The Iris Message

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             I wasn't going to update today because I'm really sick but I decided to because I left you guys on a cliffhanger.

 Percy POV

        It was time to bring her in, no matter how much I wanted her to stay out of this war we needed her. With Annabeth hurt, demigods dying left and right, and no help from the gods we needed all the help we could get.

       I gathered Thalia, Grover, and Rachel who said that for some reason its very important that she's there while we talk to her. "Are you sure its fine for use to Iris Message her, she could be seen" Thalia worry's, "trust me, I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't important."

      I brought of some water from a sink and Grover used a prism to make a rainbow, Rachel having never seen a IM before was confused. I took a deep breath and threw in the drachma "oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow, accept my offering and show me Alexandria Rose, Forks Washington."

         The screen shimmered then formed a image of Alex talking to some people who I assumed were her cousin and her friends. " my mother, she-" she was saying before the strange people saw us and one of them screamed, "what is that!" Alex turned and sighed when she saw us.

           "What are you doing, you know your not supposed to IM me while I'm here" Grover bleated out a sharp BLAAAAAAA and answered her unspoken question 'why are you IMing me, are you all idiots.'

          "Alex this is important, can you be serious for one second"

"fine, what do you want?"

"Kronos started his invasion" Thalia buts in "we need help Annabeth is hurt, Rachel keeps having these weird visions, and the gods are getting weaker."

       Alex looked worried, "Nico left a few weeks ago saying something about going to see you, is he-"

               "He's fine" I cut her off "he's trying to convince his dad to fight, we need you here and I'm sorry for sending you away but right now we need help."

           Alex looked down and when she looked back up I saw determination in her eyes "I'm coming to aid you brother, but even the fastest Pegasus can't get there fast enough, I won't arrive until tomorrow."

           I nodded "that's fine just hurry, and Alex be careful" knowing that our conversation was coming to a end Rachel pushed us away, "go get some rest I'll make sure I'm out of the way when the battle starts."

           Nodding we begin to walk away, looking back I could see Rachel talking in a whisper to Alex and they both looked worried. Finally, Alex ended the IM and Rachel turned to see me watching her, She nodded then left the building to go take shelter her green eyes flashing.

 Alex's POV

         When I had finally stopped my running I found that I was in the middle of a clearing next to a stream that was surrounded by trees. Looking into the water I could see that I had dried up tear tracks on my face and I washed them away.

         Standing back up I heard a branch crack somewhere behind me and quickly turned. Two wolves came out of the brush and I quickly composed myself, remembering everything I had learned while traveling with Jason and Nathen.

         In the presence of a wolf you never show weakness, that I had learned the first time I met Lupa. Very slowly, making no sudden movements I took off my earrings and they transformed into my bow and arrows where I always kept extra silver arrows.

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