Chapter 1

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  I was sitting on the couch with a lap top and I sent an email to Lira and she doesn't even know it is me doing it, I miss her so much and yet I can't have her ugh.
"Ok I'll let her know chief" Michel said as I heard him approach the living room
"Hey Ray guess what" he said and plopped down by me
"What" I asked looking at him
"Your no longer in witness protection" he said
"No joke?" I asked with hope
"No joke the only question is where do you want to live? We will get you settled in and a job interview at the high school" he said
"Home, I want to go home" I said
"Ok done, now go pack, oh one thing thou" he said
"What's that?" I asked
"Your mom may she rest in peace asked me to do one thing before she died or if she ever did" he said I sadden a little thinking of my mom
"And what is that?" I asked
"She asked me to watch over you" he said
"Uncle Mitch I want you to live with me because you're my only true family I have left and it would be a honor and better if you lived with me" I said
"I would love that" he said, I went to leave but stopped and turn to face him again
"Did he commit suicide?" I asked
"Yes" he said I nodded and went to pack. Finally I was done after 2 hours of packing yes I don't have much stuff, I went down stairs to see movers already packing. My cat sat on the island in the kitchen
"Uncle Mitch can I take Lira(my cat) with us?" I asked see I missed Lira so much when I got the kitten a year ago and named her Lira.
"I don't see why not, oh tomorrow at 9am at your old high school" he said I just nodded. We walked outside and drove home.
(Hours later)
We pulled up to the house I haven't seen in 5 years since my mom was murders and since I saw Lira. I sighed and got out of the car and walked in. It was just as I remember it Uncle Mitch walked in behind me when I put Lira down to explore
"Ray which room you want?" he asked I turned to face him
"I want my mom old room" I said and went upstairs and walked to my mom old room and opened it, I walked in and sat down and laid back and shut my eyes after a couple minutes the door bell went off
"I will get it Ray" Uncle Mitch (he is Michel but his nickname is Uncle mitch) I got kinda cauious to who was at the door so I went down the stairs slowly
"Hi my name is Lira May I am your next door neighbor and I wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood" she said I froze when I heard who it was, I ran upstairs and down the other half that were hidden
"Hi I am Mitchel Elliott and I have a niece who I don't know where she is right now" he said and then I went crushing down the last couple steps
"Ow" I said rubbing my tussy
"Ray you ok?" Uncle Mitch yelled
"Yea I think we need to buy a new cat dish for Lira I think I broke it" I yelled in a different voice
"Lira?" Lira asked
"Yes Lira is my niece cat name kind of funny how you two have the same name as each other" he says
"How old is your niece?" she asked
"Just turned 23, she asked me to move in with her at 18 when her mom died" he said
"Ah ok do you think I could meet her?" she asked I started to freak out so I went and turned up my music because he know not to bother me when I do that, I slowly crept down
"Looks like not because she doesn't want to be disturbed when she blast her music" he says
"Ah ok well if you need anything let me know and I can help you nice meeting you" she said and left I walked down
"That's her you know" I said and he practically jumped hearing me
"I thought you were in your room she wanted to see you" he said
"That's why I turned up my music up because I couldn't face her quiet yet" I said
"Ok" he said and left so I got out my phone that is blocked and I called my friends Carter
"Hello?" he asked
"Yes this is Raven lawyer and we found something with your and Drake name on it in the will so please come to her old house for we can discuss it" I said in a mystery voice
"We will be there in 10 minutes" he said and hung up I was so nervous about seeing them because they will mostly be mad at me all this time for not telling them and I know I will be happy to have them back hopefully. 10 minutes later the door bell and I opened it not letting myself be seen and once they were in I shut the door and they turned]
"Raven is that you?" Drake asked
"Yes it is please don't yell or scream" I said and they both looked at each other then back at me then......  

Fighting for her again (Sequel to Can we survive) Where stories live. Discover now