Chapter 5

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  Raven P.O.V
"This is Riley my girlfriend" Lira said and she didn't look at me she looked at the floor when she did
"Oh, well I should go" I said and I unwrapped my arms around Lira, I felt her stiffen when I let go I knew I would be good to be true. I looked at Carter and Drake
"I will see you later" I said with that I left I ran over to my house once the door closes and Uncle left I only knew that because he taped a note to the door, I decided to go up stairs to meet Lira
"At least I know you love me and won't leave me huh?" I ased her and she jumped up on my shoulders and started to pur
"I love you too, but get down I need to take a shower" I said and she jumped down and went and laid down on my bed, I walked to my shower and I turned on the shower and hoped right on in, I washed myself with my body wash, I got out and got dressed and fed Lira and went to my car and drove away. I went to the sporting goods store and when I entered a beautiful but not nearly close to Lira beauty no one could out do her.
"Hi my name Jamie how could help you?" she asked
"Um well I was wondering if you had any gloves, punching bag, weights, jump ropes, and sound system?" I asked
"Yes we have all of them would you like them delivered? We can deliver them today in a hour and I will be there to because I am the only one who can do the sound system" she said
"Yes please I would like that very much" I said
"Ok first you need to pick out the gloves and we will have everything at your place in a hour and we also need your address" she says and hands me a piece of paper and I write my address down and I gave her the gloves
"DO I pay now or when you get it done?" I asked
"Now" she said and walked me to the cashier and when she ringed it up the total came out to be $839.39, I handed her my card and she did it. I left and got some taco bell I haven't had that since I a couple days before my mom past. When I got home I ate it and cleaned the place up and I went to clean the second garage and moved a couple of stuff out of the way and as soon as I was finished I opened my garage and I saw that Jamie pulled up.
"Hey where the truck?" I asked
"Sorry but after this is the end of my shift so I decided to drive here I am a little bit earily they should be here shortly" she replied
"Well while your waiting why don'y we talk" I asked
"Sure I have a question first" she said
"What?" I aksed
"What with the equitement you opening a gym, if so I am more willing to join" she said
"Oh no I am just trying to stay in shape" I said
"Can I feel" she asked
"Sure" I said and flexed for her and she felt it and she was feeling it
"BOOM" I said and it scared her I started laughing so hard I fell over, I looked up at her and I saw her cheeks and they were red
"That was mean" she said
"It was and I am sorry it was just so funny to scare someone" I said
"Anyway what your job?" she asked
"I am a new Math teacher and I am starting at the high school here" I said
"Ah that is cool, but I am serious will you train me?" she asked
"I don't know....." I said
"I will pay you for it to $40 a week" she said
"Why you want me to teach you so bad?" I asked
"For I can stay in shape if I don't have a partner or someone training me I won't work out" she admits
"Ok I will it will start next week 3 times a week from 6-9pm each day" I said
"Thank you" she said and came and tackled me into a hug I just laughed and hugged her back, just then the truck arrives and I help them take out all the stuff and take it to my garage. Once that was over they all left except Jamie
"Thank you so much I really appreciate it" I said
"Anytime" she said I looked at her and I saw she was looking at me with lust? I looked past her and I saw Lira watching us from her house and was biting the inside of her cheek
"I will see you Tuesday right?" I asked
"Yes" she said she handed me a piece of paper and then kissed me on the cheek? That girl is really strange. Once she left I went into my new gym and I heard a knock at my door not long after
"HI" I heard her voice
"Yes? Can I help you?" I asked with my back still to her
"Can we please talk" she asked
"Why?" I asked
"Because it's about this morning" She asked
"What about it I got carried away seeing you again that I couldn't care if you had a girlfriend or not but now I see and I won't interfere with that" I said
"Raven please look at me" she asked
"I need to go, I have to go to work for a meeting in the morning good bye Lira I hope your very happy with Riley" I said that with tears coming down my cheeks because I hate seeing her in another person's arms
"I won't give up, I will talk to you" she said that and left

What do you think? Will Jamie be Raven new girlfrined well try to be? oh I need a co author for another story called Dark moons check it out and if your intrested contact me please asap because i need help with that one  

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