Chapter 2

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  They looked at me with a smirk and I knew what that meant they ran at me and pulled me into a hug but they started to cry
"We missed you so much" Drake said
"You don't know how much I missed you guys" I said
"How are you here you died, we went to your funeral" he said
"Well we had to do something tell he was captured and when he finally was and recently he committed suicide and so I could come home and be around the people I love safe and sound" I said
"Well we need to catch up soon how about tomorrow Shari's at 7pm?" Carter said I was looking down and I saw they had wedding bands on
"Yes and are you to married finally?" I asked I saw Drake blush and Carter just smiled
"Yes we got married ASAP after the funeral because we knew you would want us to be happily married and we have now and we are adopting 2 kids soon" Carter said
"Ok well I need to head to bed the movers should be done with my bed I have a job interview tomorrow" I said
"Cool and good luck" he said
"Oh guys please don't tell Lira I am back yet, I miss and love her like crazy but I need to get ready for her mental and physically" I said just then my cat hopes on my shoulder
"Aww kitty is cute what his name" Drake asked
"Funny story her name is Lira" I said
"Are you the one that sends her anonymous email once a year?" Carter asked
"Yes I am" I said
"Ok well go gets some sleep and you will nail that job interview" Carter said and with that he left, I walked up to my room and shut the door turned off my music and got changed into my pjs I went to the window to shut the curtains and I saw Lira room straight into her room and she is naked and just out a shirt on. I looked at the shirt real carefully and I smiled because it was the one I gave her a couple days before I "died", I must have been staring because she turned and looked at me I quickly shut my curtains and turned off my light and went to sleep.
(Next morning)
I woke up and took a shower and I got out and put on my suit and opened my curtains to see Lira with her back to me so I quickly turned around for a second and I walked out of my room and down stairs
"Good morning my little Ray bug" Uncle Mitch said
"Moring so I need to take your car and when will I get mine?" I asked
"Yours is in your old garage" he said and I ran out to my garage and I saw my baby still there I got it in and opened my garage and put my sun glasses on and back out of the garage. I saw Lira outside and she froze when she saw my car so when I got in view I speed off before she could get a good look at me. I pulled up to the high school I took a deep breath and got out of my car, I walked into the building and into the office
"Hi how may I help you" the secretory asked
"I am here to see Principal Wilma" I said
"Ah yes she will be out in just a second" she said so I got all my paper out and organize and ready to go
"You must be Raven" Principal Wilma said as she walked up to me
"Yes" I said
"Follow me please" she said and so we walked out and walked the halls
"So what makes you qualified for being the new math teacher?" she asked as we walked
"Well I will work my best to keep a all there grades above a c. When I was a student teacher and I had my 2 weeks teaching all their grades went up and there test scores were better and I will make sure there will be no joking around" I said
"Well you got great references, you graduated at the top of your classes you got the job" she said
"Thank you I won't let you down" I said
"Ok next Monday we have a staff meeting to introduce the new staff then Wednesday is the first day of school is Wednesday" she said
"Ok I will be there" she said and with that she left I walked out to my car and got into it and drove home. When I arrived home I parked in the garage
"Uncle Mitch?" I yelled
"In the kitchen with Lira how did it go?" he yelled back
"I Got the job, but I got to get ready to go out so I will be upstairs where my kitty lira?" I asked
"In your room she won't come out?" he said
"Ok thank you" I yelled back and ran up to my room and shut my door and saw Lira on my bed, I walked into my bathroom, I hoped in the shower to cool off today was really hot, once I got out I brushed my wet hair and wrapped the towel around my body and I started to walk out but froze when I saw Lira was in my room. I slowly walked back and closed the door to where she couldn't see me
"What are you doing here?" I asked
"Oh sorry I was looking for the bathroom and I walked in here and I saw your cat, she my favorite kind" she said
"Thanks not to sound mean but could you please leave for I can get dressed?" I asked
"Sure I am so sorry" she said and left I open the door and got some jeans and a t shirt because Carter is planning to take my clubbing after dinner. I walked out and down the stairs
"Bye uncle don't stay up to late waiting for me" I yelled and got into my car and drove off to shair's when I arrived I was early so I got into a booth to wait, finally when they arrived and we ordered I saw Lira holding hands with another girl they were a couple booth over and Lira leaned in and pecked her lips that broke my heart.  

Fighting for her again (Sequel to Can we survive) Where stories live. Discover now