Chapter 3

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  I tried not to let it affect my time with Drake and Carter but that doesn't mean I am not thinking about the kiss,

"So Drake Carter how did you know about the emails I sent her? They were anonymous so how you know?" I asked
"Well we didn't but once every 2 weeks we get together because we thought it would be best to stay together with you gone and when she told us she said that they were from youbut she couldn't prove it, she still loves you know?" Carter said
"Don't look like it" I said
"She just a girlfriend, trust me her last girlfriend on a date she called her Raven and her name was Tina" Drake said
"I will get her back sooner or later when I brave enough" I said as we went to pay which wasn't far from Lira table.
"Why don't you come tomorrow we are meeting up" Carter said as he pulled his money but I stopped him
"Let me pay please? It's my treat for not being able to keep you in the loop" I said
"But RAVEN" Drake said yelling my name, I didn't turn around but I felt eye's on me
"Is that everything?" our casher asked
"No that is everything" I said deeper voice we left and I walked backwards not letting my face turn to Lira
"Now to the bar" Carter yelled and I was embarrassed, we all drove off into the night and they took me to a new that they said was for lesbians and gays but no one knew it unless your gay or lesbian because you have to have a certain pass word. Finally arriving we got out and said the password and got in, I ordered 10 shots and a Pina colada non virgin. I was drunk and so I was dancing with a lot of people and all of a sudden I feel sparks on my hips and so I start to grind them because they felt excited to be dancing with me, their lips where by my ear
"You're so beautiful" they whispered but it wasn't just anyone it was Lira I knew her voice anywhere, I just ignored her and kept dancing with her because she couldn't have known it was me. Carter and Drake came and found me, when they saw who I was dancing with the smirked
"Lira, it is good to see you but we must take our drunken friend home" Carter said and pulled me away
"Fine but I want her later, she is so beautiful from the back can I at least see the front of her before she goes" Lira asked I put my hand over my mouth and run to the "bathroom" to get "sick". After a couple minutes I come out and head out to where the guys are, they take me home first and as soon as I am in my house I go up and change into pjs, and a sweatshirt and pull the hood up. My drunkness wasn't helping me but I walked back outside and across the street and sat on Lira front porch. A hour or so later I hear a car pulling up and she got out and started walking and stopped
"Who are you?" she asked and walked closer,
"Uncle Mitch, aka Michel Elliotts niece" I said I sloured the words
"What are you doing here this hour?" she asked and walked pass me
"I need to talk to you about something important" I got up and lost my balance
"Come inside where we can talk" she said and let me in I walked into the living room
"Nice place" I said and sat on the couch
"Thanks" she said I look at her left hand and I saw the ring on it
"Nice ring, who the lucky guy?" I asked
"Not a guy a girl. And she was real important to me" she said sounded like she was fight tears
"What happen?" I asked
"She died" she said
"I am sorry" I said
"So what you need to talk to me about" she asked, I walked over to where she was and got on my knees and grabbed her hands
"W-w-what are you doing" she asked confused
"I need to tell you something and it been killing me, I can't take it anymore hurting you once is bad and I can't take the chance again" I said
"What do you mean hurt me again we haven't ment" she said scarieness sounded in her voice
"Lira, I know you fell in love with your student Raven and she always fought it and you never gave up. When she said yes and gave you a chance during Christmas her mom flew you Drake and carter out to were they wehre." I paused
"Then when you guys got back Raven broke it off and then her friends took her and she was tired up, then when you came home you took off your clothes and told Raven your story you clit your wrist and she ran over and stoped the bleeding then you guys made love and you guys where good in tell her mom died." I paused again
"Then you had Raven move in with you after that and the night of graduation she snuck off to pack the last of her stuff when the guy who was trying to kill her showed up and when she heard you and she knew you where in danger of being killed she tackled and fell off hit the ground and died" I said
"How do you know all this stuff" she asked
"Because" I said and paused I took off my hood and looked at her
"It's me Raven" I said
Lira Gasped 

Fighting for her again (Sequel to Can we survive) Where stories live. Discover now