Untitled Part 6

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  Raven P.O.V
Ugh this morning is the day of the meeting and means that Lira would know that work at the same school as her. I got up and went and took a shower and once I was done I got out and walked into my room with my clothes where, I pulled out an outfit and I went to open up my curtains and walked and got dressed . I went down stairs and I grabbed my bag because I know I would be getting papers and I grabbed my bagel that I made my way to the car. I pulled out of my drive way and towards the school, once I arrived I saw Lira car there which is not good, I saw the principal waiting for me outside.
"Hi how are you this morning" she asked
"I am doing good how about you?" I asked
"Good, (we started walking) so after the meeting I will show you to your room, and after that you can set it as you would like it to be" Wilma said
"Ok" I said
"And the meeting is greeting you guys this year, and getting to the new teachers and how you will be introduce in the assembly and everyone gets there classes and looks them over" she said and we walked into the Library and I saw that there are a lot more teacher then I remembered . I walked over to an empty seat
"Welcome to this year first meeting of school, let work hard and have a good year, we have 4 new teachers 1 Heath/P.E teacher, 1 math teacher, 1 English teacher and last but not least 1 drama teacher. Now can the four come up here please" Wilma said and I took a deep breath and I walked up there and turned to face the rest of the teachers and a lot of gasp because most where still teachers when I was in school.
"Hello my name is Bart Springs and I am the health teacher/ P.E teacher and I am 32 years old" he said
"Hi my name is Samantha but I get Sammy for people and I am the new English teacher I am 25 years old" She said
"Hi my name is Tina Lakebridge and I am the new Drama teacher, and I am 24 years old." She said and now I am up
"My Name is Raven Ayuni as some of you might know, I am the new Math teacher and I am 23 years old" I said and I stood with others
"Um how are you alive?" Miss. Blackrose asked she was a first time year when I was senior.
"Um let's say it was fake and I need to leave so I faked my own death and now I am safe and ready to go" I said
"Well I am glad your back" she said with a smile on her face
"Thank you I am glad to be back" I said I looked at Lira and she was shocked
"Ok so here are your guys classes and head off, I will be showing the need the new teachers there class room." Wilma said
"I can take Raven to hers because its right next to mine" Miss Blackrose said
"Ok thank you" Wilma said and I packed my stuff and I walked over to her and waited
"Ok I am glad you're alive when I read about your death I was heartbroken but I am glad your back" she said
"Thanks Miss Blackrose" I said
"Call me Daisy please we are equal not teacher student anymore" she said with a smile, we walked down the hall way
"Man it feels so weird to walk these halls as a teacher and not a student" I say she laughs
"Yea well get uses to it because 5 days a week we will walk these hall only if you want me to walk with you" she says and sitly blushes which is cute.
"Yea I would like that" I said we pull up to a room and i get the key I was given and I unlocked the door. We walked in and I put my stuff up and took a seat in my chair the gave me, I looked at Daisy
"Wanna go out to night, to a club?" I asked
"Sure could it be a lesbian club/bar I am more comfy with that more than anything" she asked
"Actually I wouldn't mind at all because I prefer that too" I said I wrote down my address and gave it to her
"Come to my place and we can take my car to the club" I said she smiled
"Ok thanks" she said with that she left, I went over and locked my door just a habit I got uses to when I was in witness protection program, I looked at the desk and they were all in the back so I pushed them all in a row and then put them in straight lines and spaced them out even and the next thing I know I am done. I gathered up my stuff and I looked back and I was satisfied, and I walked out and I locked the door and I walked out to my car. I saw a piece of paper on my windshield
Rose are red and Violets are blue I wanted to tell you how much I love you, I know you don't know who I am but hopefully soon we could meet~ forever in my heart
I looked at that and I was trying to figure out who it was, but I don't really care I just wanted to go home and sleep. I got in my car and drove home, when I arrived I saw Uncle Mitch was gone
"Lira kitty kitty momma's home" I yelled and she came and jumped on my shoulder
"Hi baby I missed you" I told her and I went to my room
"Hope down for I can change" I told her and she listen and I changed into my pjs and spaghetti strap shirt, and I lay down and Lira came up and laid down on the outside of my head. When I woke up I got up and Lira jumped on my shoulder and I walked down to the kitchen and when I just got out of the kitchen there was a knock at the door I went and answered it and I was not shocked to who it was
"What do you want Lira?" I asked  

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