Chapter 4

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 Lira P.O.V

Is this some kind of dream was this really Raven the girl I love sitting in my front room looking at me, I slowly put my hand out and touched her cheeks. When I saw it was real I pulled her into a tight hug and she started to cry
"SHH its ok im here" I said as I held her not wanting to let go
"I am so sorry Lira I didn't want to leave you but it was the only way to keep you safe" she said
"From your donor?" I asked
"Yes he finally committed suicide after he was caught and gave up trying to escape" she said and pulled back a little
"I missed you so much" I said
"I missed you so much I got a cat and named her after you I purposely got that kind of cat because I knew it was your favorite, when I sent those emails it was never enough for me I hate that I made you think I was dead, and making you suffer" she said
"I knew it" I said
"I know , the guys hated that I did that but I don't care I love you too much to care" she said so I got up and intertwined our fingers and I walked her up the stairs and into my room and I shut the door
"What are you doing" she asked
"I am going to bed with the girl I love that I lost once" I said and stripped down to my bra and underwear she pulled me back to her
"Why?" she asked
"Why what?" I asked confused
"Why you cut yourself again?" she asksed I froze how she know I started back up
"How did you know?" I asked not meeting her eye's she placed her hand on a couple new scars
"Because last time I seen you naked which will never leave my brain these where never here why did you do it" she aksed
"Because it numbs the hurting" I said
"How long?" she asked
"Since "How long?" she asked
"Since you died" I said and laid down on the bed and she came right beside me and pulled me to her
"Please stop I'm back and I will fight for you" she said and I looked at her confused
"What do you mean?" I asked
"Your girlfriend" she growled and I totally forgot about her
"Oh yea I am so sorry about that" I said
"Why be sorry you had every right to move one I just letting you know I will fight for you" she said
"You don't have to you already have me I will end it with her tomorrow" I said
"Let's go to sleep I am drunk and I am tired" she says and wraps arms around me and pulls me close to her and sighs and the next thing I know is I am falling asleep. I woke up and Raven was still there and still in the same position as we were last night. I slowly got out of bed and went to the bathroom and walked down stairs and made breakfast for 4 people. There was a knock at the door I went and answered it and it was Carter and Drake right on time
"Hey guys come in but be quiet she still asleep" I said
"Who your girlfriend" Drake asked with a frown
"Nope Raven" I said and they both smiled and looked at each other
"So getting her drunk was a good idea" Drake said
"Told you it would work" Carter said I looked at them all confused
"What are you talking about" I asked confused
"Well she was afraid you be really mad at her she came and saw us and she saw you on a date with your girlfriend last night and so we took her out to drink and got her drunk because whenever she scared she would coward out but if she drunk she would be brave and not be afraid and talk to you" Drake said
"Ah well thank you I got her back and I am not letting her go again" I said just then someone wrapped their arms around me and I felt the sparks again
"I won't let you go either" she whispered and turned me around and kissed me with so much passion and hunger and I returned the kiss.
"What the hell is going on here?" someone said and I froze knowing who it was I pulled away
"Hi Riley" I said
"Who this" Raven asked
"This is Riley my girlfriend" I said  

Fighting for her again (Sequel to Can we survive) Where stories live. Discover now