Chapter 8

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Lira P.O.V

I looked at her trying figure out if she was serious

"Are you serious?" I asked really hoping she was

"Yes I love you and I lost you once protecting you. I have you now and I am not going to let you go any time soon unless you want me to" she said looking at me in the eyes

"Yes" I said she smiled her million dollor smile, she leaned in and kissed me softly, we cuddled that night. it was the best sleep I have ever gotten since we made love that first time. I woke up and I found her watching me

"You know you are truly beautiful" she said with honest in her eyes.

"I never felt beautiful in tell I met you" I said I looked at the time, and realized I had a doctor appointment

"I need to go, I have a doctor appointment" I said

"Ok, come by tonight and ill have dinner ready" She said and pecked my lips I wrapped my arms around her neck and she is truly amazing. One thing is that is a true saying and I am going to keep it close to my heart if you let something set it free and if it comes back then keep it close. I let her go once now she back I won't let anything her get away anytime soon now, I pulled away and got up and got dressed and hurried down the stairs and out the door. I can't miss this appointment this is something I needed to find out and it may change things before I know it. I got to my car and I saw a note on it, I grabbed it and I just put it in my car and drove off. When I got to my doctors office I hurried up to the offie almost cutting the time, I checked in and waited

"Lira?" they called my name I got up and they showed me to my room and just waited. This doctor isn't my regular doctor they sent me to a specailist and this was the hopefully the last part of this and I can forget all about it, just then the doctor came in

"Lira how are you feeling?" she asked

"I am happy" I said cause I am truly happy about it I don't want to be depressed no more I want to be happy and live happy with Raven

"That's good and I have some good news for you we checked your x rays and you do not have a heartmurmer you are heathly" he said I coul dn't wait to tell Raven yet, I left the doctors office and sat in my car and decided to look at the note i found on my car. I picked it up and unfolded it


I thought I taught you better then this, well sooner or later I will come back and teach you again but this time I will make sure it stays in your mind

~love your uncle

No no no he can't hurt me not anymore no he doesn't know where I am, I am safe from him nothing going to happen to me or anyone else. I am drive to the store and I picked up Raven favorite flowers and I kept my mind thought postive. Once I arrived home I got out of the car and walked over to Raven and knocked on the door and she quickly opened it and pulled me in and smashed her lips on mine I wrapped my arms around her neck bringing her closer. She wrapped her around my waist and smiled into the kiss, she pulled away

"How was the doctor appointment?" she asked then I remembered and I pulled the flowers out from her neck.

"These are for you" I said and smiled at her rection

"Thank you I can't believe you remembered" she said and pecked my lips again

"I will always remember everything about you" I said and she grabbed my hand and lead me to the kitchen where I saw her making dinner, she let go of my hand and went and cooked

"Tell me how the doctor appointment went?" she said and contiute to cook

"Well I went their and got all good news and I am healthy as a horse" I said

"What do you mean by all good new usually doctors office to check ups and all that" she said and turned around to meet my eyes but I couldn't meet them

"Well you see a couple months before you came back into my life I fainted while I was teaching last year and they couldn't find out why, so over the last couple months they did test and today was the final result and nothing bad was found" I said

"What was the test for?"she asked

"Heart murmmer the frist test was for Cancer (she froze) and nothing was found so they did other test and found nothing and he said I was healthy as a horse" I told her

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" she asked turning to meet my eyes this time i did meet them

"Well first I didn't know how to handle everything so I kept it to myself none of the guys know either" I said she turned around and kept cooking I knew she was upset with me for not telling her but I can not tell her what happen after he told me the good news it will upset her even more, I got up and walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her while she was facing the other way

"You know you look hot cooking makes me want to eat dinner now and eat you for dessert" I whispered and nibbled on her ear, giving her small kisses down her neck biting and sucking on her neck giving her a nice hickey letting people know she is mine. She shivered and relaxed into my arms and a soft moan came out of her. She turned around and met my eyes

"I love you Lira" she said

"And I love you Raven" I said and kissed her

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2016 ⏰

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