Chapter 7

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I was waiting for Lira, I know I am being rude but Lira moved on so that what I need to do now is move on but I don't think I can with Lira being herself and around me all the time
"Can I come in?" she asked
"Yea" I said and side stepped her and let her enter
"So we work together that fun" she said
"Yea " I said I really just wanted to kiss her so bad
"So I broke up with Riley" she said
"Oh how come?" I asked
"Because you own my heart and feelings" she said and moved closer to me I didn't move
"You always have had mine since I met you" I said I pulled her to me and crashed our lips on to each other, with kissed with hunger and we kissed with passion. Without breaking the kiss she straddled my legs and licked for entrance and I gave it to her, when our tongues connected it made me moan god I missed her so much. Standing up she wrapped her legs around my waist I carried her up stairs and when I laid her down I pulled back for we could breath
"You don't know how long I wanted this" I said panting
"I wanted you since you "died" you are my life, my soul and my heart I swear your nothing more but my number one" she said and pulled me to her and crashed our lips together, she lifted my shirt pulled away and lifted it up all the way. And I pulled hers off as well, we went back to kissing and she bent down and took off my pants and smiled during the kiss and she pulled hers off as well so we were the only thing we were wearing is are bra and underwear. Just then my phone went off and we both groaned I looked at the caller id and it said Daisy
"hello" I said as I picked it up
"What time should I be ready?" she asked
"Um I was about to call you but I have to cancel my unlce and I are doing something out of town so maybe next time?" I asked Lira started kissing my neck, I am trying not to moan
"Sure let me know" she said sounding sad
"Ok bye" I hurried and hung up
"Who was that?" she asked laying me down and getting on top of me
"It was Daisy I had plans but canceled them to stay with you" I said
"Daisy as in Miss. Blackrose?" she asked
"Yes why?" I asked
"Just take my advise and don't hang around her she is very aggressive" she said
"Only if you do one thing" I said leaning up
"And what's that?" she asked
"Be my girlfriend?" I asked her

Fighting for her again (Sequel to Can we survive) Where stories live. Discover now