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The sound of beeping echoes in Louis' ear when he wakes up.

The room is bare and white, nothing interesting besides that he now discovers he's in a hospital room.

Louis starts to panic, he remembers nothing; not a clue as to why he's in here. Although, when the boy goes to move his whole body aches and Louis hisses in pain.

He looks to the left and notices a mirror which gives him the advantage to look at himself. After shifting up in an awkward angle, Louis is shocked to see his reflection. He cuts all over his face, a busted lip, and bruised eye. Louis is about to get up and look for assistance to ask why he's here but he suddenly freezes when a young man is at his door. "Louis? oh my god Lou I thought-" Louis didn't listen to what the boy had said after that, he totally zoned out. Louis wondered if he knew this kid... did he go to school with him? the boy didn't seem familiar but he knew Louis' name which made the blue eyed boy wonder.

"How do you know my name?" Louis asked, looking at the boy. He was sure a cutie, he had dark brown curls that were pushed back in a red bandana, dimples too and the most beautiful green eyes Louis has ever seen. Surely Louis would know him, he doesn't seem like someone that would be forgotten.

"And so when I found out you were here I- wait.. what did you just say?", The boy seemed worried now, and Louis focused on what he was actually saying now that he wanted answers.

"I asked how you knew my name. . . Do I know you by chance?." The look on the boy's face was terrified, as if he's seen a ghost.

"Louis its me Har-" The boy was cut off by a nurse walking behind the boy. "Sir I'm afraid you can't be here right now" She said as she gently grabbed onto his arm and guiding him away from the room,"But ma'am I'm his b-", The nurse just shook her head,"visitors are only aloud to be family, Louis do you know this boy?" She asked and Louis just shook his head. The curly lad's eyes widened "wait Louis what are you talking about, tell her the truth! What are you doing!?" The boy asked in shock but the nurse still guided him down the hall.

After Louis watched the nurse take the young man down the hall, he laid back down on the bed and stared at the ceiling trying to put all the pieces together to what had just happened, and who that boy was.

Three years later

Groaning at the sound of his alarm clock, Louis sat up in his bed, stretched his arms up and yawned.

Since it was fall, it was always a pain to get up in the morning, the bed is warm and the room is cold. Especially Louis' because his wood floors got as cold as ice, so after getting out of bed he rushed into the shower.

He sighed in content as the hot water ran down his face and body. The scent of his soap filling his nose  makes him smile. The boy has always loved the sweet smell of the strawberry body wash.

After the shower Louis blow dried his hair and got dressed into a simple outfit afterwards. A maroon colored jumper with his black jeans and Vans.

His house was a medium sized home. His mother always baking things and making the one story house smelling like vanilla. It was always a warm and comforting environment in the Tomlinson household. His mother would already be at work so the boy sauntered towards the kitchen and read the 'love you' note from Jay.


Louis looked towards the connecting living room and saw his cat, Raine, stretching his limbs on top of the couch. The long claws purposely scraping the leather.

"No! bad kitty" Louis huffed and removed the middle aged cat from where he was perched on the couch.
"Now I'll be back later..so no more scratching mister!" and with that the boy grabbed his backpack along with his keys and began his trek to high school.

The fall leaves crunched under Louis' Vans as he walked down the sidewalk. His hands gripping his backpack straps as cold wind whipped past him and he mentally cursed at himself for only wearing just a jumper today.

Louis then sighed and kept walking towards his school.


Slamming his locker shut Louis  turned around while simultaneously bumping into someone in the process. "ugh Niall I told you not to do that anymore" Louis groaned and picked up a book that had fallen from his hand when he bumped into the Irishman, "sorry mate, bad habit I guess" Niall shrugged ,"oi theres the new kid, people are sayin' that he's friends with Bradford boy" Niall pointed out the boy four lockers down from them.

Louis looked to his left and saw the boy who Niall was talking about and looked at him. He looked familiar to Louis, curly hair, dimples, and pretty green eyes.

"Ya know 'im?" Niall asked and Louis just shook his head "not at all".


Chapters will be much longer than this I promise,

- J .x

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