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Louis trotted up the school stairs and sped walked to his class, he didn't much sleep last night since all he could think about was harryharryharry

Even though louis was confused, he didn't ask his mum about it, he didn't want to cause a scene because he didn't know if his mother even knew either

The bell rang thirty minutes ago and louis was worried, he's never been late to class before

Walking in all eyes were on him, even Harry and Niall  "Tomlinson" the teacher boomed "your late"

Louis closed the door behind him and began to apologize "miss I'm sorry, I slept in and-" the teacher scoffed and sat down, waving her hand dismissing him "just go sit down"

Louis nodded and swallowed hard walking to his seat and put his head down

Louis tensed when a hand went to his back and gently rubbed it, louis relaxed when he heard a deep husky voice whisper close to him "baby are you alright?" Louis nodded and Harry kept running his fingers up and down Louis' spine

Niall just watched them from the corner of his eye, he never thought this would ever happen again, especially what happened to louis, Niall thought they would go separate ways and never see each other again, but he was wrong

Louis kept his head on the desk, his forehead was cold from the desk but he didn't care, he was so embarrassed, his mother will be furious if she ever found out louis came to school late

"Tomlinson! Get your head off that desk and get to work, you have arrived late already, I don't need you lounging around in my class, get it done"
Mrs. Withers scolded and Louis nodded and got out his notepad and pen and started writing down the notes on the board, he thanked God that this was only a note taking class

When he was done he sat back, frowning when he noticed Harrys hand gone from his back

"Now class I'd like to announce that there will be a project due next Monday, it will be on the notes you have taken this week, it has to be on a pinpoint, again, it's due Monday" mrs. Withers said as the bell rang

Niall got up and looked at Harry who was getting up from his desk, snaking an arm around louis' middle, whispering in his ear that made louis nod his head

Niall just sighed and walked up to louis after him and harry went separate ways down the hall

"So. . . Harry?" He asked as soon as he was next to Louis, "um, it's nothing serious" Louis blushed and put his notepad in his locker and took out a binder "seems like it to me, listen louis I may not be in a relationship but I know when something is up", louis sighed and closed his locker, "Niall I- , it's just complicated okay? I don't know what we are to be completely honest"

Niall just nodded, this happened the first time.


During lunch louis sat alone, Niall had to meet up with a teacher to discuss his grades and the other boys were probably sick

Louis didn't know what to do, he saw Harry sit down at his table but louis Couldn't go over there, it'd be too risky

But he was alone so he decided against it and got up, walking to the table tapping harry on the shoulder who turned around and grinned, putting a arm around louis' waist, "hey baby" , louis just gave a small smile In return, looking at the people at the table, they were all taking amongst themselves, not knowing louis was there,"everyone isn't here, I was lonely" louis pouted and harry frowned, turning around in the stool and putting louis on his lap , Louis' eyes widened and tries to get up but harry kept him down "harry no they will see im here and-"

"And will say nothing because I'm here"

"But harry-"

"But nothing sweetheart, your fine" , Louis sighed and tucked himself under Harrys neck

Even though he doesn't remember much, he does remember in the flashbacks that he and harry were together, so he assumed harry wouldn't mind the cuddling

"I'm surprised" both Louis and Harry looked at the table to see Derek looking at the two, "from what Harry had and what I told louis, I'm very surprised that you two are even looking at each other", then it hit Louis, he forgot what Derek had told him, that Harry was trying to use him, he mentally hit himself, how could he be so blind?

"wait a second" Louis got up and furrowed his eyebrows,"it makes sense, why would you be so caring all the sudden? its true, you could have even lied about my memory"

"whoa Louis listen, i never told you about your memory, you found you yourself remember? baby you know I would never do such a thing" Harry reached out to grab Louis' arm but the smaller boy was too quick and tugged it away, "oh bullshit Styles I saw you at the party, you were all over Red and then went to Louis, don't even try to get yourself out of this one" Derek laughed,"I was drunk and high, jesus, so were you!"

"Listen I don't care who was on what, I just want the truth Harry and when your done playing this game or what ever it is, let me know", Harry tried to call for Louis but Niall had bumped into him midway and after a second of talking he glared at Harry over Louis' shoulder and guided the small boy out of the lunchroom.


Louis flopped down onto his bed, only in short shorts and a black sweater he found that was too big for him and stopped at mid thigh

the boy sighed and checked his phone, only a text from Niall saying he's going to die from homework which made Louis laugh and turn off his phone and walk to his bathroom but once he grabbed his toothbrush hr phone rang and he walked back to his bed where he saw a unknown caller


"Louis? Oh baby I'm so sorry about today please just listen-"

Louis rolled his eyes and walked towards the bathroom,"no Harry" he sighs "I'm not doing this, I told you what to do in the cafeteria, not just leave me alone" louis hung up and tossed the phone on the bed and groaned, rubbing at his temples, he seriously needs to get away from Harry for a while.


Walking into the school was quite a challenge for little Louis, his friends haven't arrived yet and he saw Harry in the corner of his eye, the boy was nearly shaking from anxiety and he had to hug his biology textbook as a lifeline if he didn't want to drop it from his shaking hands, though he was out of luck when his locker opened and most of Louis' textbooks and notebooks fell out and hit the floor and his feet, groaning the boy kneeled down to grab the books one by one

"need help?" a voice asked above him and Louis looked up to meet soft brown eyes

Louis was taken back by this boys beauty, he had light tan skin, bright brown eyes that made Louis think of a little puppy, soft brown hair that was combed up into a quiff like style

"uh yeah, yeah that'd be great thanks" Louis nervously chuckled

the boys picked up the books and once they were both up and putting the books back into the locker, Louis then noticed how tall this guy was, "I'm Dylan by the way" the guy -Dylan - said and stuck out his hand for Louis to shake, which he did, " Louis" the boy introduced himself and Dylan laughed a bit making Louis furrow his eyebrows "what?" still Dylan chuckled and let go of Louis' hand making him frown, "you have small hands"  Louis gaped at the boy , "I do not!  you just have enormous hands" Louis huffed and Dylan laughed "okay shortie whatever" and Louis huffed and mumbled a 'shut up' which made Dylan laugh again

The bell rang and Louis frowned, he didn't want to leave for some reason, "wheres your next class? i could take you if you want" Dylan asked like angel and Louis couldn't say no, this kid was being so nice to him, " I uh- i have chemistry" Dylan nodded and started walking towards Block B, Louis followed behind getting the hint that they were on their way to Louis' class, and Louis smiled at that the whole way there.

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