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It was cold, both of the boys knew if they looked back there would be no more cops or running teens, but they still walked together farther towards town.

Harry was quiet and so was Louis, both boys not knowing what to say.

"Thank you for that", Louis spoke suddenly which made Harry look over at the smaller boy who only looked forward.

"I didn't want to go anyway. My friend made me go then disappeared when it all happened, so thanks for looking out for me" Harry smiled at Louis trying to think of something to say but he was just too intrigued by this boy's beauty, he didn't know what to say.

"You're welcome" Harry didn't know what else to say so they just kept it at that.


The next morning Louis woke up in his bed with his cat by his side.

The boy yawned and let his thoughts wander to last night. He smiled at the memory of Harry bringing him home and helping him escape from the party.

Then his thoughts drifted to Harry, Louis thought he was a fine looking lad. He was sweet and fit...very fit, Louis also remembered the older boys green eyes and plump lips...

He may have a little crush.

He scratched the back of his neck and got up from his bed, making his way downstairs where his mother was making breakfast.

"Hello darling, in the mood for some pancakes?" Jay asked from the counter, smiling at Louis' tired features.

Louis nodded and smiled at his mom, taking his plate and started eating the buttery pancakes slowly.

"So you got home late last night"Jay spoke up as she sat down at the table with her children.

"Um yeah I was out with a few friends, sorry I didn't tell you" Louis said looking down at his plate, not daring to look at his mothers eyes, "I don't remember saying you could go out last night, Louis you know the rules" Jay scolded.

"Yeah I know im sorry it's just-"

"Who was that boy that walked you home?" Lottie asked and Louis froze. How was he supposed to tell his mom he went to a party, a party which is forbidden to go to without asking. he's so dead.

"I uh-" Louis started but his mother stopped him,"Louis listen I don't mind if you go out on dates-"

Louis snapped up and looked at his mother with wide eyes,"it wasn't a date!" he wished.

"I don't care what you did but I expect you to tell me before you just walk out of the house like that young man, especially leaving the house empty" Louis nodded,"yes mother I understand."


When Louis walked into school Monday morning he was worried because he was a horrible friend. He forgot to call Niall to see if he was safe, he could've been put in jail for Christ sakes.

He went to his locker and got his biology book, looking around the hallways for the blonde.

"Looking for someone?" A deep voice asked and Louis turned around looking up into green eyes.

Louis' heart stopped beating.

"I uhm- yeah" God Louis felt like a baby right now, he can't even talk in -front of Harry.

"Well maybe I can help", the taller lad smiled down at the smaller boy and Louis practically died right there.

"S-sure thanks" Louis smiled and looked back down the hall,"so I'm guessing it's Niall huh" Harry spoke and Louis nodded,"I'm a terrible friend for not going back and looking for him."

Harry frowned and looked at Louis,"you're not a terrible friend Louis, you had no choice. You were scared and ran. It should be his fault for bringing you in the first place when you clearly didn't want to go."

Louis thought about that for a second. Harry was right, even though it was the right thing to do for his friend, he did get Louis stuck in this mess.

"Don't worry, he'll show up soon enough" Harry smiled and wrapped his arm around Louis' shoulders

Louis just blushed profusely and nodded.

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