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"Niall!" Louis exclaimed as he ran down the hall to his meet his blonde friend.

"Louis? what happened? Are you okay?" The lad frantically asked as he hugged him back. "I'm so so sorry Niall, I didn't call or text to see if you were okay and I know you might be mad but-" Niall was shocked hearing his friend's words,"whoa Louis no never, I should've done the same. I'm not mad at you at all don't think that."

Louis just nodded and hugged his friend tighter mumbling a soft 'ok' in the boy's chest. "So I take that you found him?" a voice came behind them and Louis smiled when he saw Harry standing there with his hands in the pockets of his black skinny jeans.

"Yep" Louis smiled and let go of Niall hearing the bell ring, "well that's our cue, you comin' Lou?" Niall asked as he began to walk to class. Louis nodded and skipped up to Niall, looking over his shoulder to give a little wave to Harry who just smiled and winked before walking to his class.

Niall's jaw dropped a little when Louis turned back around,"Louis why didn't you tell me you were talking to Harry Styles?"

"We aren't talking, we're just friends", Louis blushed and shrugged his shoulders. Niall smirked when he saw his friend blush,"so do you like him?" Louis' eyes widened at the question and Niall just laughed; shaking his head.


In class while everyone was getting seated and getting ready for the lesson, Louis, Liam, and Niall all sat together talking about random things like soccer and other sport related activities.

"So I'm thinking about asking Sophia on a date" Liam spoke up and Niall perked up,"really mate? That's great!" The blonde smiled and looked at Louis who was dozed off. Niall nudged him,"Louis here has a crush".

"For gods sake Niall", Louis groaned and banged his head on the desk.

"C'mon tommo, embrace it, you like him".

Another groan.

"Who does he like?" Liam asked and Niall smirked seeing Harry across the room.

"Harry Styles"

Louis flew up and covered Niall's mouth with wide eyes "don't say his name so loud you idiot some one might hear!"

"Oh shut it Louis no one will care" Niall rolled his eyes. "Harry might!, he might hear a-and think I'm obsessed with him or something" Louis hissed back at his friend who rolled his eyes again,"you already are obsessed with him-"

"Zip it Horan"

Liam laughed and looked at Louis,"I think it's sweet that Louis likes someone, you haven't liked someone since the third grade". Louis just shrugged and got his materials out as he saw the teacher walk into the room. "it's not that I like him..I just think he's cute s'all and nice. Nothing wrong with that" Louis shrugged, pulling on a piece of lint from his sweater. He's been thinking awfully a lot about being in a relationship but it's too difficult when you're gay and in high school. The boy has always wanted to have someone to care for- to love. But life seems so always get in the way.

"b-besides he wouldn't even like me back even if I did admit anything. We're complete opposites. He's this strong muscular guy with a ton of tattoos and I'm just, well..Louis" the boy sighed and put his chin down on the desk.

"But Louis that's the thing! You guys are total opposites and would look so good together!" The bubbly blonde explained, "maybe you should give yourself a chance..you might find the person you've always been dreaming of."

Warm coffee and pastries hit Louis' nose as he entered a local cafe. He smiled at the cashier who was ready to take his order.

"Hi, can I have a Yorkshire tea with two sugars please" Louis asked and the young woman smiled,"what size sir". Louis reached to get his wallet and pull out a ten,"medium please", the woman nodded and put in his order. Louis handed her the cash and went to sit in a seat to wait for his tea. After a minute of looking on Twitter Louis heard his name being called and he looked up to see his tea on the counter.

He got up and made his way to the counter where his tea laid on a napkin.


Louis spun around and saw the tall lad he's become so fond of and smiled,"oh-hey Harry, didn't know you came here".

Harry gave Louis a dimpled smile and shrugged,"thought I'd try something new, what are you up to?" Louis sipped his tea and shrugged,"thought I'd get something warm so that I don't get cold walking home,you?"

Harry pulled his bottom lip with his thumb and pointer finger while looking at the board where all the specialties were,"um, I guess I was doing the same, mind if I join you?" Harry looked at Louis and Louis looked right at Harry, how could he say no?


Soon enough Harry got a hot cocoa with extra marshmallows and started walking with Louis down the sidewalk; both enjoying each other's company. Louis went on and on about the latest soccer tryouts and how he gets the letter about if he gets on the team or not next week.  Harry just listened the whole time and smiled because he thought Louis was the cutest boy he's seen in a long time.

"I just hope I get in" Louis sighed "mum says I'm a natural at it but they were all better than me" Louis frowned.

"You'll get in Lou; don't think about it too hard, I haven't seen you play but I bet you're the best out there" Louis smiled at the nickname and shivered, crossing his arms to get some warmth.

"You cold?" Harry asked and looked at Louis who shook his head,"no no, im ok" but he just shivered again.

Harry frowned and took off his hoodie,"here" Harry gave the hoodie to Louis who immediately declined,"Louis c'mon you're freezing! Please just take it, I don't want you to to get a cold".

Louis just rolled his eyes and smiled, taking the hoodie and pulling it over his head; smiling at how big it was on him.

"Looks better on you anyway, much cuter" Harry smiled at Louis who just blushed and slapped Harry's arm.

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