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It's been a week, a terrible week, a week of ignoring, and a week of Louis hiding from most of his problems.

Ever since Harry came to Louis' house to give back Louis' cap he has been a wreck, he felt so confused, he remembers what Harry had said to him when he was all up on Louis during the party, the things he told Louis made Louis confused because what did he mean, the older boy had told Louis that they used to do things which Louis knew he was lying because we has boy knew Harry for about a three weeks now

But Louis woke up sweating from another dream about Harry, and it was very naughty, it was exactly what Harry had told him, that he was insecure about his body and Harry prove him wrong, like said before, in a naughty way, but Louis knew that it could just be a random dream that was made from Harrys words and that it could have never happened but these dreams were different to Louis, they felt real to him, usually after a day you forget your dream but Louis couldn't forget about these dreams, they felt so real to him

And when Harry had said these things to Louis he had said it as if they were true which made Louis so frustrated because he doesn't know what's true and what's false now

When the school's bell rang Louis jumped slightly at the sudden noise and he rushed to pick up his things since he dozed off the whole period

Louis quickly exited the classroom with his maths binder to his chest and his glasses slightly falling down from his nose

About a minute later he made it to his locker where he placed his maths binder inside of it along with his other books and folders from classes that have already passed

"Tommo!" A voice called from behind him and Louis mentally groaned, Derek.

Derek swung Louis around and pushed him against the lockers rather harshly and put his arm next to Louis' head "so I saw you at the party, glad Ya came, also saw you and mister Harold getting at it, too bad he only wanted to get into your pants, well until you wussed out and left" Derek rolled his eyes

But Louis felt broken, was Harry really only trying to "get in his pants", use him? This made Louis furious but also sad because he kinda liked Harry, he knew he wasn't good for him for many reasons but he knew that Harry could be carrying if he tried

When Derek left with a fake smile and a pat on Louis' back, the smaller boy walked into the bathroom to just cry, he didn't want to cry because of a boy he barely knew but he just did and he couldn't stop the pain in his chest.


At lunch Louis sat with Liam and Zayn, Niall saying he "got sick" and said he couldn't make it to school, neither boys believed him

Both Liam and Zayn were laughing about some story Liam had told Zayn about a guy who got chucked off a jet ski last summer in the Bahamas when he went with his girlfriend, Sophia

"So Louis, heard you went to that Halloween party on Friday with Ni" Liam started "anything happen?" He asked taking a bite of his pizza

Louis flushed red when he caught Harry walk into the cafeteria and Liam instantly took notice "Damn you just turned fifty shades of red, Ya know him?"

Louis just looked down at his plate, Derek's words instantly flowing back into his head, he knows that he shouldn't pay attention to Harry anymore from what he heard Derek say, Louis believed him unfortunately

"Nope, just got out before the cops knew there were drugs, I don't know, parties just aren't my thing, but enough about me, so Zayn how's you and your girlfriend?" Louis tried to change the subject

"Girlfriend? Oh red? We aren't dating, found out she was sleeping with other guys, even snogged Harry at last weeks party" the raven haired boy shrugged and shifted in his seat

So that's who that girl was

"Oh" was all Louis can say, this lunch was already very uncomfortable and all he wanted to do is snuggle in his bed with his cat

Louis excused himself and walked to the bathroom where he hit his elbow on the door in the process of trying to get the heavy door open, he stood in front of the sink and sat up on it, he just slumped and dangled his legs since the sinks were very tall

The bathroom door slams shut and Louis' head shots up from his feet and sees a curly haired punk slid down the door, head hanging from his neck and his knees up with his arms crossed on top of them

Louis just sat there, not moving because of all people he would be here and Louis just wants to get the hell out of there but he knows he has no way to run

The room is quiet and the only sound that is heard is Harrys heavy breathing, Louis just keeps staring at him because he's doesn't know what the hell to do, he's stuck in this awkward and quiet room and the boy who is on the floor won't move and Louis really needs to get to class since he has a geometry test and the lunch bell already rang

Louis can hear Harry sigh and get up and Louis just looks down hoping to God that Harry doesn't realize that it's him, instead Harry goes to the sink next to him and starts to splash his face in water and that's when Louis saw it

Harry had a black eye and a busted lip, was that there before? How come he didn't see it when he saw Harry walking into the cafeteria?

"You know it's not good to ignore people Louis" was the first thing Harry had said to him

Louis just stayed still and looked down, he didn't want to talk to Harry right now

"Especially with that" Harry ran his finger over Louis' neck "you shouldn't ignore someone who has marked you hmm?" , Louis turned around the face the mirror and pulled down his shirt slightly to see the faded hickey which made Louis shiver but huff and pull up his shirt "it's not a mark its just some lame bruise thats used for pleasure" Louis scoffed and got down from the sink

"So your telling me that you didn't enjoy it?" Harry raised in eyebrow as he moved closer to Louis who stepped back every step Harry took forward


"Louis trust me babe you were a whimpering mess under me babe so don't try and say that bullshit when we both know it's not true" Harry chuckled and moved forward making Louis step back but hit the wall which Harry smirked at and snaked his hands to Louis' sides but Louis instantly smacked them away "what the hell do you think your doing?" He spat "what the hell do you mean?" The taller male said, eyebrows furrowing and temper rising
"oh shut up Harry, you have no right to touch me when ever you please, I know all you want to do is to just get in my pants, Derek told me so cut the act with all the pet names, just leave me the fuck alone" Louis huffed and exited the bathroom but a hand gripped I his elbow and spun him around

Harry looked into Louis' eyes, he didn't want this beautiful boy to run away again, but unfortunately he did, Louis got out of his grip and walked away leaving Harry to now be alone and watching him leave.


Sucky filler chapter, but anywayyyy, thank you for 345 reads babes ily all so much

- Jordyn :) x.

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