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Louis giggled louder as Harry told yet another corny joke that he loves to tell his boyfriend . He lives to see how the younger boy's bright blue eyes glisten as he laughs, how he covers his mouth when he giggles and how he looks right now sitting on the back of Harry's father's red old pickup truck. They're sitting so peacefully together; watching the sun go down. All the parents and their kids who live in their town sit on the freshly cut green grass and watch the fire works begin. It's New Year's Eve and Harry was thanking God every second he can because he has the pleasure to be sitting next to a beauty like Louis. He's a blessing to him; Harry just couldn't get his emerald eyes off of him. It was like he was in a trance.

"Now why do you always give me that look?" Louis giggled again as he looked into Harry's eyes.

"What look?" Harry asked as he leaned in closer to the smaller lad.

"That look you always give me when you look at me, s'the look papa gives mama every time he says he loves her"

And Harry didn't know what to say after that. Harry was only 15, he didn't love love Louis... he was just entranced by him and his beauty and... Well basically everything about Louis in that matter.

". . . Well maybe I love you the way your pa loves your ma" Harry smirked at the younger boy. Louis was only 14, didn't know a single thing about love or that Harry wasn't kidding.

Louis just laughed again and looked at Harry with a grin,"well then Harry I'd say your crazy."

Harry lowered his eyes slightly,"now why would you say that?"

"Because only stupid people fall in love" Louis chirped

"Then maybe I'm just straight up stupid" Harry grinned and looked back at the falling sun. Watching it as it disappeared at the horizon.

Louis looked at Harry, looking at him look at the sun set. Yeah Louis saw what Harry saw in him too. Louis thought Harry was very handsome, very charming too, Harry would always give Louis a single white rose on his birthday even when Louis said not too; Harry never listened to him. He'd always kiss Louis' tears away when he was sad and would tickle him till there were tears of joy in his eyes. When Louis was mad and wouldn't talk to Harry, they always seemed to resolve the issue. The curly teen never wanted the smaller boy to be angry with him, it'd hurt him too much to know he was upset with him.

"Guess I am too" Louis sighed and Harry then realized what Louis had just said and quickly looked at the smaller boy. He sitting crisscross on the back of Harry's father's pickup truck; looking beautiful as ever. Harry just did what his heart told him to do, he gently put his hand on Louis' cheek, turned him to face the other and then the older lad kissed him, and damn did Louis kiss back.

It was more of a cliche type of moment, when they kissed the fire works went off above them which made both their eyes glow when they pulled apart; how Harry could still see the red tint on Louis' cheeks when he pulled away.

Soon after they just stayed like that, warm in each other's arms, Louis leaning on Harry's shoulder and both of them watching fire works boom into the night.

It was simply an amazing night for both teens. Both expressing how one felt about the other. And for Louis, he had the best damn first cliche kiss in his life.

When Louis woke up he was in his room. He was sat up in his bed with his hair all messed up from sleep; shivered too since the wintery breeze flew into his room from the open window.

Louis pulled the sleeves the black hoodie down and got up to use the bathroom. After walking in he giggled at the reflection of his hair. His eyes wandered off to what he was wearing, an over sized black hoodie that smelt of lovely cologne. He soon realized that this was Harry's hoodie that the older lad gave to him on their way home after the coffee shop.

The small teen just smiled and breathed in the jackets heavily smell and went on to take a shower to get ready for the day.

When Louis finished showering he walked out of the bathroom and into his room where he hung onto his towel for dear life because of the open window in his room.

Idiot why didn't you close that

Louis made his way to his dresser choosing what to wear. He went simple and threw on some gray joggers, black vans and at first he debated on whether or not to wear Harry's hoodie.

Well he did give it to me so might as well wear it right?

The lad smiled and threw it on over a white shirt and went about his day. He went downstairs to see Lottie and his mom baking cookies. However, his mom did not look happy.

"You alright mom? Need any help?" Louis asked as he sat down at the table.

"Lou love you are my lifesaver, can you go run to the supermarket and get me some more milk please?" Jay asked frantically as she reached for her purse and pulled out a five dollar bill and her keys,"here, thank you so much honey" and with that she disappeared back into the kitchen.

Louis just bit his lip and pealed the dead skin off of it as he walked out to the car, hopping in it and immediately turning the heat on.

"Fuckin' cold" he mumbled as he let the car warm up before pulling out of the driveway and heading out to the supermarket.

Louis hummed a random song as he got the milk and walked back down to the check out stations. But he did stop at the flower section of the store on his way there. Couldn't help himself look at the many colors and scents they gave off.

His absolute favorite were the white roses, they smelt lovely and were beautiful. He loved them.

"Beautiful aren't they" a voice spoke next to him.

Louis looked over to his right and was shocked to see Harry next to him. "you know I've always liked the white roses too, something about them that gets me in a trance ya'know?" Harry grinned at him.

"How'd you know I liked them?" Louis asked, curious on how Harry knew.

"Could tell just by your eyes, you couldn't look away from them" Harry said honestly and Louis just blushed and looked down at his rugged old vans.

"Well it was nice talking to you again Louis, always a pleasure seeing you" Harry grinned and Louis smiled still blushing as Harry started walking away.

But then he stopped and turned around only to say...

"Oh, and nice hoodie by the way."

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