chapter 21

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I went to bed trying to figure out exactly what happened but I know I'm not their child no matter what anyone says I just can't be. There horrible monsters and I'm just an average teenage girl. But then again average teenage girl doesn't have these types of problems. I've been banking on this red hair thing for a while so I don't even think for a moment that those, those magical murderous beasts could be my parents. I took the blood test and it said positive so I'm banking on that too.

That night I woke up and got in the shower than brushed my hair. I went to eat breakfast when Josh asked:" have anyone been in our shower there's red hair in the drain." I yelled back "no, of course not." Than sally said," hey deary." And handed me my plate of breakfast. I ate some before sally said," I love what you did with your hair." I thought nothing of it and thanked her.

When I went to Alisha house she yelled and said" highlights!!!" I was confused than she noticed that too. Your hair its, its highlighted red. I laughed and she said"really." She then gave me a mirror and I yelled it was the true red. But I never highlighted my hair. I was afraid to do you know what this meant. Hell is about to break for me.

This is the last chapter part to will be out soon called Jessica Sanders and The secrets

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