Sparks fly

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When I pulled into the parking lot Jeremy was standing beside his car. I parked the car and got out. “Hey.” He said smiling. “Hi.” I said and tried to smile but I couldn’t. I still felt guilty. And I should have. “Where were you? I was starting to think that you weren’t coming.” He said and grabbed both of my hands. “I overslept.” That wasn’t exactly a lie, because I nearly over slept.

My stomach growled. I ignored it. He let go of one of my hands and we started walking towards the school. We got into our class right as the bell rang. A couple of second’s later Nick tip toed in. He sat on the left side of Jeremy. It made me nervous to have the both of them in the same room. I was deathly afraid that something would slip.

I tried to concentrate on what Mr. Holland was saying but it came in one ear and out the other. When class ended I didn’t remember a damn thing. And it was only going to get worse because all three of us have the same classes. The next couple of hours passed by pretty quickly and then it was time for lunch. Thank god. It was almost over. Except Lunch meant more time to talk, which meant more time to let things slip. Oh god. We all walked to a table in the corner of the large triangular shaped room. I went over and got a Lemon yogurt and a diet coke and went back to my table.

“That’s all you’re eating?” Jeremy asked. “Yes, I’m not really hungry.” I said and looked at Nick and Jeremy’s tray’s Jeremy had a hamburger and chips and some chocolate pudding and a Coke. And Nick had the same thing. I didn’t really have the stomach for that. Any other time I would have but I always got nauseous when I was guilty.

I ate my Lemon Yogurt slowly and sipped on my diet coke. “Didn’t you wear that yesterday?” Jeremy asked looking at Nick. Nick looked down at his black and blue checkered shirt and black skinny jeans and sighed. “Yeah, I did. I didn’t have anything else to wear. I skipped laundry day this week.” He said and ate a chip. “Fail.” Jeremy said. “I know right?” Nick said.

We continued to eat in silence and Nick looked up at me. I blushed. Shit. Hopefully Jeremy didn’t see that. I looked at Jeremy and he was looking down at his plate, poking the bowl the pudding was in making it jiggle. I took the last bite of my Yogurt and sipped on my drink. I watched Jeremy and Nick sit there in silence.

 “This is weird.” Jeremy said. “What is?” I said quickly. “This silence…” He said and gave me a weird look. “What’s up with that?” He asked. “I don’t know.” I said trying to play dumb. He burrowed his eye brows and continued to poke his pudding. He grabbed his spoon and tasted it. He made a awful face but swallowed it anyway. “What?” I asked. “I thought it was chocolate! But it’s not!” he said chugging his coke. “Well, what is it then?” I asked. “I don’t know! You taste it!” He said pushing the bowl towards me. I grabbed my spoon and tasted it. He was right it wasn’t chocolate. it was prune. “Oh, my God, That’s prune!” I said and spit it out into my napkin. “Next time read the freaking label!” I said. “I will.” He said and chugged his Coke again. I drank the rest of my drink to wash the nasty taste out of my mouth and Nick just sat there laughing. “You think it’s funny?” I asked. “Yes.” He said smiling. “I dare you to taste it.” I said smirking. “Fine.” He said and grabbed a spoonful and ate it. “Yum.” He said and grimaced a little bit after swallowing. He grabbed his dr. Pepper and chugged it. “It’s horrible right?” I said. “It’s worse than horrible.” He said and took another sip.
I leaned back in the chair and rested my head against the wall and fell asleep.

“Brooke?” Jeremy said trying to wake me up. “Hmm?” I mumbled. “We’ve got to go to class.” He said and helped me stand up. I walked to class and sat down and tried to go back to sleep.
I woke up when Mrs. Smith called my name. “Brooke?” She said. “Yes?” I said sinking into my chair. “You’ve slept through most of my class,” She said and adjusted her glasses.

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