My Delirium

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I woke up a little later when Nick came down the stairs. “Hey.” He said and smiled a little bit. “Hi.” I said still a little drunk. “You feeling okay?” He asked. Well I felt okay until he said something. My head started hurting really bad. “My head’s hurting a little bit. Come lay down with me.” I said and closed my eyes. I felt him get in the bed behind me and pull me close to him. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. I dosed off but woke myself up somehow. I tried to keep my eyes open. “It’s okay, go ahead and sleep.” Nick said and moved my hair off of my neck. “I don’t want to though.” I said. And a couple of minutes later I drifted off. Nick and me were on the boat. The boat moved a little with the movement of the water. I sat in the back of the boat. Nick jumped into the water. “Come on the water is perfect.” He said. I wanted to jump into the water.

It was really hot outside. The feeling of the cool water on my skin would be great. But there was a feeling in the pit of my stomach, telling me not too. I felt scared. “No, I’ll just stay up here.” I sat in the boat and watched him swimming around next to the boat. Suddenly, he sank. He popped up gasping for air. “Brooke! Help me!” He screamed then went back under. I tried to jump into the water but I couldn’t no matter how hard I tried. There was something blocking me.

“Somebody help him!” I screamed. But no one was around to hear. He popped up again and his lips were blue. “I love you.” He whispered and reached out for my hand. “I love you too.” I said and reached for his hand. I could almost touch it. But my arm wasn’t long enough. He slowly sank. I sat there in the back seat sobbing wondering what I was going to do next. I didn’t know how to get him out of there. I didn’t have my cell phone to call for help and I didn’t know how to drive a boat. I felt something wet on my hands I looked down and blood was coming out of my nail beds. I grabbed my compact mirror out of my bag and blood was coming out of my nose, mouth and eyes. I screamed but it didn’t help.

 I grabbed a tissue and tried to wipe it away but it stayed on my cheeks as if it hadn’t been wiped. It didn’t even look smudged. I closed my eyes and sat back down and brought my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. A couple of seconds later I felt something rub up against my arm. I looked over and screamed. Nick was sitting next to me leaning over. He was blue, ice cold and stiff. I got up immediately and screamed. I stared at him. His skin started turning grey and went darker and darker. he was starting to decompose. He turned black and then turned into dust.

“Brooke?” Nick asked and my eyes flew open. “Are you okay?” He asked. “I had the worst nightmare…” I said staring at the ceiling. “What happened?” “I can’t remember.” I said and blinked my eyes. “Oh come on. You remember it was a nightmare but you don’t remember what happened?” He asked. “No.” I lied. I really didn’t feel like telling him about it. It was kind of stupid. “You practically screamed ‘I love you’ a couple of minutes ago. Who were you telling that too?” He asked raising an eyebrow. “My dog.” I said. “Really? A dog?” he asked disbelievingly.

 “What? Louie is awesome. I love her!” “Mhm, right. Who did you tell that too?” He asked. “Why does it matter? It was just a dream…” I said and crossed my arms. “Because, it just does! Tell me!” He pleaded. “Okay, fine.” I said and bit my bottom lip. “You.” I whispered. “Oh.” He said and his face dropped. “What?” I asked. “It’s nothing, so what happened?” He asked looking at the white sheets. “It’s stupid really.” I said. “Aw, come on. Tell me. I’m curious now.” He said and looked up at me. “Okay, we were on the boat again and you jumped off into the water and then boom.” I said and snapped my fingers.

“You drowned. And no matter how hard I tried to get into the water to help you. I couldn’t. and you turned blue and said ‘I love you’ and went under. Then I sat down in the back seat. Sobbing trying to figure out what to do next and I felt something wet on my hand and I looked down and blood was coming out of my nail beds and…” I continued on to tell him what happened and he listened intently and added ‘uh huh’s and nodded at the appropriate times.

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