Don't Trust Me

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Eli turned down an old road and pulled up to an old warehouse. He drove around the parking lot that was full of cars and finally found a space. I got out of the car and started to walk inside. Eli grabbed my arm and looked at me for a minute.

"If anybody tries to screw with you come find me." He said and walked over to a corner in the ware house and flirted with several girls. "Okay." I said and continued to walk. I opened up the door and walked in. It was packed completely full of drunk people and the music was at the highest volume possible. It was awesome! I went over to the bar and tried to figure out what I wanted. I felt someone poke my back I turned around and it was a guy. He was probably about six foot tall. He had tan skin and black hair.

"Hey!" he yelled over the music and smiled. "Hey!" I said and smirked.  "Do you know what you want yet?!" He asked. "No! Got any suggestions!?" I asked.

 "I dare you to order sex with an alligator!" He said. "What?! Why would I have sex with an alligator?! You freak!" I said and he laughed. "No! It's a drink. Just do it!" He yelled. I went over to the counter and saw a guy that was in his thirty's.

"I want a sex with an alligator!" I yelled and he laughed. After a couple of seconds he handed me a glass. I took a sip. It burned my throat going down but I drank it anyway. I walked back over to the guy. "What's your name?!" He yelled. "Brooke! What about you?!" I yelled over the music.

 "My name's Wren!" He said and reached out his hand for me to shake. I took it and he kissed my hand. I took the last sip of my drink. "Got any more suggestions?" I asked.

 "Yeah! Hold on I'll go get it!" He yelled at walked over to the bartender. I looked over to where Eli was at and he was grinding with a tall, blonde haired girl. A couple of minutes later Wren came back with two shot glasses. He handed one to me.

"Ready?! On three, One, Two, Three!" He downed his first and I took a little sip of mine. "You're supposed to drink it all! At one time!" He said and smiled at me. "Oh! What's this thing called?" I asked and threw it back. "It's called a taiwan duck fart!" He yelled and I laughed so hard that my drink came out of my mouth. I sprayed Wren.

 "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I yelled and wiped off my mouth. "It's okay!" He said as I looked around for a bathroom. Once I saw one I grabbed him by the arm and took him into the bathroom and grabbed some paper towels and wiped off what I could. I grabbed a couple of paper towels and looked up at his face and wiped it off gently. He leaned down slowly and kissed me. He kissed me harder and harder and backed me up against the wall. He kissed down my neck and back up to my mouth again. I thought about what was happening and it made me think of what happened in the shed the other day. I started to think about Jeremy and Nick.

"Stop." I said with his lips still pressed against mine. But he kept going. "Stop!" I said again but he didn't. "Stop!" I yelled. And he stopped kissing me. He looked into my eyes and smiled. I smiled back. I grabbed his hand and led him out of the bathroom. When we got out there I walked towards the center of the room where everyone was dancing.

"Do you wanna dance?!" I yelled over the music. "Yeah!" He said. When we got to where everyone else was Backseat by newboyz was playing. He twirled me around. And I started to move my body with the music. I can't dance so it's the best I can do. He moved a little to the music then grabbed me by my sides and my back was facing him. He moved his hands up and down my sides and just beneath my chest. I heard someone yell at Wren. I turned around and it was Eli.

"What the hell are you doing with my sister?!" He yelled over the music. "Nothing she didn't want me to do!" He yelled back and Eli punched him in the face. Wren shook it off and rubbed his cheek. "Holy shit! What's wrong with you?!" I screamed. "We're going home!" Eli said and then one of the girls that he had been dancing with whisked him away for another drink.

"Give me your number real quick!" I yelled and got my phone out. "555-0191." He said and looked at me. "Will I see you again?" he asked staring into my eyes. "We'll see." I said and winked at him. I felt someone grab my arm and it was Eli. He made me walk outside.

"What the hell were you doing?" he asked sternly. "Same thing you were doing over there in that little corner." I said and He just stared at me. "Oh yeah I saw you. You were whore-ing it up too." I said and walked over to the car and tried to open the door but it was locked.

"Unlock the fucking door." I said and he hit the button. It responded with a little beeping noise. I got in the car and looked out the window. He got in and pulled out.

"He was practically molesting you, you know that right?" He asked. "Was not!" I protested. "Was too!" He said. "Was not." I mumbled. "Next time we go to a party your wearing a fucking smock." He said and I flipped him off.

"We'd only been in there like an hour! The fun was just begining!" I said. "I saw you too going into the bathroom together, what was that all about?" He asked. "I spilled my drink on him." I said and he looked at me disbelievingly.

 "Yeah, like I'm supposed to believe that." He said and turned his attention back to the road. "It's the truth!" I said. "I don't get why you won't just tell me the truth! It's not like I'm going to run and go tell Mom and Dad! They probably wouldn't even care if I did!" he yelled. "I'm telling you the truth! I spilled my drink on him so I helped him get cleaned up! Big. Deal." I said.

 "Somehow I doubt that's all that happened!" He said. "God! If you don't believe me that's your own fault but I'm telling you that's all that happened!" I yelled.

We were silent the rest of the way home. When we got home I shut the car door quietly and walked towards the pool house and stopped.

"You're still going to stay in the pool house tonight right?" I asked and smiled innocently remembering the movie. He sighed and scratched the back of his head. "I guess." He said and followed me into the house. I sat down on the couch and turned the TV on. Spots started appearing in front of my eyes.

 "Eli, I don't feel so good." I said and grabbed onto his arm. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I feel like I'm going to pass out." I said and it looked like the room was spinning. "Did you let that guy get you a drink?" He asked, his eyes searching my face. And before I knew it, I was out.

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