pulling a "Diego"

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"It's been three days now, since, you know, he said he loved me. Kyle's been so nice and loving towards me, and I love it. I know I said that I hated him, but I never did. I adore this boy with all of my heart. I've loved him since before I even met him, and I can't bare to let him go. Not now, not ever."

"Wow, Imogen. Looks like he has you wrapped around his little bony finger." Shannon replies as she drives me too school.

"It's not like that. You don't understand."

"I went through the same thing with Diego, you remember him?"

"Yeah. Turn here." I say and Shannon pulls up into my school's parking lot.

"I loved him with all of my heart, and he ignored me for a month and then got a new girlfriend two days after we broke up."

"I know I know, and I'm sorry. I promise I'll lookout for something like that. I adore him, but I'm not stupid. Thank you for driving me to school today, love you."

"Love you too, have a great day."

With that, I hop out of Shannon's car and enter the red double doors that take me inside the school.

Once inside, I head over to the B wing and walk straight to my locker, #382. Once I unlock the locker, I open it up and take my history textbook out, and shove my lunch in there. After that, I walk over to the K building, where I have history... with Kyle.

After about 3 minutes of walking, I finally reach my History class. When I enter, Kyle's already there.

"Hey!" I say with a smile.

"Yo." He replies without even turning to look at me.

"H-how was your weekend?" I ask, a little worried.

"Fine I guess." He replies, without looking at me, again.

"Whatever." I reply, and it's the last thing said between him and I for the rest of the period. I was hoping I could talk to Kyle after class, but when the bell rang, he ran off. I don't know what's wrong with him.

In drama, the only other class I have Kyle for, he sat on the total opposite side of the classroom, away from me. He never looked in my direction, and ran off when the bell rang again.

He doesn't like you anymore.

Leave me alone.

He regrets telling you that he loves you.


He has another girl. A better looking one.

Please, stop.

I'm having an internal battle between my heart and my mind. They both tell me such different things.

After school, I see him standing by his locker and finally run up to talk to Kyle.

"Hey, are you okay? Did I do something wrong?" I ask, nervously.

"No, no."

"Well, do ya wanna go eat later? We could go for pizza, or maybe bur-"

"I can't." Kyle replies coldly.

But I-"

"I said, I can't!" Kyle yells, slams the door to his locker shut and walks out of the building, with his head in his hands.

Everyone turns to look at me. With my eyes wide and mouth agape, I walk off in the other direction. 

After about 5 minutes, I decide to walk to Shannon's. I cried the whole way there, too. And I was still crying when I got there, 15 minutes later.

Knock knock. I knocked on the door, and Shannon opens it up after two knocks.

"Oh my god Imogen, what happened?"

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"So, let me get this straight: he was ignoring you,  the replied coldly, then yelled at you and walked off?"

"Yes." I say, as a tear spills out of my left eye and rolls down my cheek.

"Oh my god." Shannon says as if suddenly struck by an obvious answer.

"What?" I ask with a sniff.

"Kyle is pulling a "Diego" on you..."

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