Chapter 2

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Waking up to the sun shining through your window and the smell of bacon filling your room is the very best way to wake up in my opinion. It immediately put me into a good mood.

After changing into my bathing suit and throwing on shorts and an old soccer tee-shirt over it, I followed the smell of breakfast out into the kitchen. There was a plate with two chocolate chip pancakes and a piece of bacon sitting on the table, along with a note from my mom. I read it as I started to scarf down my food:

"Good morning Chloe! Your father and I ran into town to get some groceries, be home around noon. Love you, and be safe!"

I glanced at the clock, it was 10:30. I had an hour and a half to do whatever I wanted. Only, I had no idea what to do. I had never been the only one at the cottage before. It felt so...empty. Amanda was always there with me in the past, and we never had any problem finding something to do. She had a crazy imagination, and she led us on a different adventure everyday...

I felt my eyes start to tear up, and I quickly pulled myself out of my thoughts. I dumped my plate in the sink and headed outside. As soon as I stepped out the door, I was hit by a wall of heat and humidity. Thank god for AC. It was definitely a good day to spend on the water.

I made my way down to the waterfront, and shed my shorts and tee-shirt. I pulled my dark wavy hair out of the pony tail, and dove cleanly off the end of the dock, swimming to the small, square raft a little ways off shore. It was so relaxing, just laying there, listening to the breeze sweep through the trees, and soaking up the sun. I could lay here all day, I thought to myself.

My good mood was killed as a speed boat drove by, way to close for comfort, almost rocking me off the raft. I jumped up, trying to get a look at who the jerk was in the boat, as they drove by again. There were two guys sitting in the boat, both looking arrogant and spoiled.

"Hey babe!" one of the boys called out. Instantly, I was aware of how small my bikini was, and was wishing I had bought the tankini instead, like my mom suggested. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes as the circled around again, then sped off to the other side of the lake, leaving me annoyed and irritated.

Not wanting to risk another encounter with the speed boat guys, I dove back into the lake. It felt so refreshing on my now sun burnt skin as I started the short swim back to shore.


My parents pulled into the driveway in my dad's old, red Chevy pickup just as I was walking up to the cottage. I threw my sandy clothes over the railing and headed over to help them bring in groceries.

"Hey honey", my mom greeted me as she handed me a bag full of produce and a gallon of milk,"me and your father are headed over to the neighbors in just a few minutes, are you coming?"

"Sure", I answered as we entered the cottage,"Let me just change first, give me just a few minutes."

In my room, I pulled out a nice tank-top and shorts from my still unpacked suitcase. After running a brush through my long hair, I studied my image in the mirror. I owed my mom big time for my lean, toned body, and I owed my dad for my deep brown eyes and wavy hair. I tilted my head, really taking in my reflection. I was sort of attractive, in a way, I suppose...

"Chloe! Are you coming?" my dad called from the living room.

"Coming!" I called back as I grabbed my matching orange flip flops.


I never realized how big the cottage next door was until I was standing directly in front of it. My dad knocked on the large, double oak doors. We were greeted by a short, blond woman in a sundress, who introduced herself as Mary, and a tall, broad man in khaki shorts and a nice tee-shirt who introduced himself as Bryan.

We were welcomed inside, and I was immediately shocked. This definitely wasn't a keep-your-shoes-on-who-cares-if-you-spill kinda place. This was the cottage of a rich family, and I instantly felt out of place in my cheap old navy flip flops.

"Please, make your self at home", said Mary,"Now Chloe, how old are you?"

"Sixteen", I answered as she pushed a tray of fancy finger sandwiches my way, "No thanks."

"You know, our son is seventeen", Bryan chimed in,"I bet you two will get along great."

"Oh there he is now!", Mary added as the door opened.

I glanced over, and my jaw hit the floor as the two boys from the speed boat earlier today walked into the house. Just my luck.


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