Chapter 13

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On Sunday, I couldn't stop thinking about him.

By Monday, I was trying hard to just catch a glimpse of him by water.

When Tuesday rolled around, I had just about worked up the courage to go over there and talk to him. But it turns out I didn't have to.

I was laying out by the water, half awake half asleep on my towel, when the sun completely disappeared. Confused, I opened my eyes, only to see John standing there in a v-neck tee-shirt that showed off his muscular arms.

"You make a better door than a window," I said jokingly as I sat up.

"You looked like you were getting a little burnt anyway," He laughed, as he sat down in the sand next too me.

"So, what brought you over here on this fine day?" I asked playfully.

"Boredom, mostly," He admitted as he layed backwards, propping his hands behind his head.

"So let me get this straight," I said,"You left the house with the dirt bikes, sea-doo's, kayaks, and speedboat, to come here, to the cottage with a paddle boat and an old pontoon boat because you were bored?"

"And a pretty girl," He added.

"Well then," I couldn't help but smile as I layed back down next to him,"I guess I can understand."

He reached over and laced his fingers through mine, sending shock waves up my arm. I'm not exactly sure how long we layed there, but I know I could have stayed forever. I know it's crazy, because technically, I barley know him, but at the same time, I feel like I know all I really need to. Plus, I had all summer to get to know him.

"Do you want to do something?" He asked, turning his head to look at me.

"What," I joked,"Is laying in the sand not curing your boredom?"

He laughed,"Not really. And I'm taking that as a 'yes'"

He stood up, pulling me with him. He didn't let go of my hand as he started walking towards his cottage. I tried to stop him but I didn't stand a chance against his strength.

"John," I said," I can't just waltz over to your cottage in my bikini."

He hesitated, looking me up and down, and then said,"Well, I don't see a problem."

I smacked his arm playfully,"Seriously, let me go grab a tee-shirt and some shorts."

"Fine," He sighed, freeing my hand. I took off up the path to our back deck, and burst through the door. As quickly as I could, I brushed my damp hair, and threw on a tank top and shorts over my bathing suit. Glancing at the mirror, I decided it wouldn't hurt to swipe on some mascara and lip gloss. I pranced out of the slider, ten minutes later, to find John sitting impatiently on the deck railing.

"Just so you know," I informed him,"If you fall over backwards into the yard, I'm going to laugh."

"Just so you know," He said, looking at the drop,"If I fell over backwards, I'd probably die."

"Wouldn't that just be tragic?" I said sarcastically. He rolled is eyes at me, and stood up, leading me to his cottage.

"So," I said, and we walked towards his garage,"What are we going to do?"

"Well, I was thinking maybe, dirt biking?" He said. I stopped walking; It sounded more like a dare than a statement.

"Let me think," I snapped," No."

He turned around and grabbed my hand, dragging me forward,"C'mon, It'll be fun, I promise."

"I don't classify breaking my neck as fun," I said dryly. We had entered the garage, and he quickly turned around so that his face was only inches from mine.

"Do you really think I would make you do something that dangerous," He whispered.

"I don't really think your going to make me do anything at all," I smiled innocently.

"We'll see about that," He challenged.

I pushed past him laughing, and walked over to the kayaks, still sitting in the corner.

"How about this?" I prompted,"It's fun, and safe."

"Only," He stated,"If you promise to ride a dirt bike at least once this summer."

I stared at him. He wasn't going to back down, so I gave in,"Deal."

"Alright," He said, looking pleased with himself,"Lets get these in the water."


Thank you all for the comments, votes and likes! I really appreciate it!

I hope your loving the story(:

-Miranda <3

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