Chapter 10

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"Damn it," My dad said, as I walked out of the cottage the next morning. He was bent over the engine of his pick-up, and there was a black streak across his forehead.

"What's wrong?" I asked, as I approached him.

"I need a new part for the truck, but I won't be able to get it till Monday," He sighed,"So no carnival today, I'm sorry."

"Oh," I said, trying to hide my disappointment.

"I'm going to go talk to Bryan, and see if he'll run me into town next week," He said, as he walked away.

I went over and sat on the open tailgate. Well, I thought to myself, there goes my plans for the whole day. I think Demi's going to be more disappointed then I am. I smiled to myself as I pulled out my cell phone to text her.

"I heard the bad news," John was leaning against the side of the truck. I jumped when he spoke, since I didn't hear him come up behind me.

"Yeah," I said, quickly regaining my composure.

"You know," He said as he came over to join me on the tailgate,"I would be happy to give you a ride."

I eyed him carefully,"Is that so?"

He laughed,"I'll pick you up in half an hour."

"Okay," I said after a few seconds,"See you then."

I ran back into the cottage, and made my way to my room to recheck myself in the mirror. I had on a blue, flowy tank top that matched my eyes perfectly, and a pair or short shorts that Demi had left me, but something was off. Deciding it was the single french braid hanging down my back, I yanked it out and let my hair fall around my shoulders. Perfect.

Just then my cell phone started vibrating, letting me know I had a text. I flipped it open as I sat down on my bed. It said:

heyyy! any new news? u need to keep me updated! Love, Demi.

I quickly replied, knowing she would kill me later for ignoring her.

my dads car broke down, johns driving me to the carni.

It took her less than thirty seconds to respond. Typical Demi.

WHAT?!?! no wayy!! you better get your flirt on today girl ;) 

I heard a car pulling in our driveway, so I quickly replied and ran out the door, saying goodbye to my mom as I passed. I stopped in the door way, checked my hair, and walked out.

"Oh. my. gosh," I tried to hold back my laughter as John got out of an old, white car,"Did you spend all of daddy's money on your fancy dirt bike or something?"

He laughed,"No, my daddy still has plenty of money. But he made me buy my own car. Something about learning the value of money or whatever."

I laughed as I climbed in and spotted the cassette player on the stereo.

"What, no where to plug in your iPod?" I gasped in mock horror.

"Alright, alright," He surrendered as the car roared to life,"Enough with the rich boy jokes."

"Fine," I laughed.

"So, I hope you know how to get into town," He looked over at me as he started to back out,"Because I have no idea."

I looked at him in disbelief,"What would have happened if I wasn't with you?"

"Well," He admitted,"I was going to offer to give you a ride whether your dad's truck broke down or not."

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