(3) good friends

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.
It was Lee Yujin. I picked up my phone and answered the call. "Hey! Let's walk to school together!" She shouted through the phone. "Ok. Umm... Where should we meet?" I asked. "How about the place where you bumped into me yesterday?" She said while chuckling at that last part. "Ok... See you there then." "See you!" I hung up the phone and got ready for school. 7 minutes later I got a text message. I walked over to my phone and the message was from Jackson. Hey bro! Wanna walk to school together?Im waiting in front of your house. I didn't know what to do. Jackson was waiting right in front of my house! And then I started texting back. Sorry Jackson, but I plan on walking to school with Lee Yujin today. She asked me if I wanted to.

Ooooh! Good luck bro. She might like you.
I switched off my phone and started heading to school. I got to the place where I was supposed to meet Lee Yujin. And she sat there on a bench under the Sakura trees. My heart starting pounding like crazy, because of how great she looked under those beautiful trees.
"Hi Bambam!" She shouted to me. I walked over to her and we started walking to school together. "So..Um.. I told my mom about you and she said that she wanted to meet you." She chuckled. "I didn't tell my mom about you because she always teases me when I'm friends with a girl." I told her, embarrassed.
And she started laughing. We got to school and started walking to class. We got into class and Jackson was already there. "See you later Bambam!" Lee Yujin said running over to her friends. "sooooo. Did you kiss her?" Jackson asked me. "Of course not. And I told you. I have no interest in her." I told him while lying. "Oh come on Bambam. The whole school knows you like her. And I even think she likes you."
"Ok. I'll admit it. I find her pretty." I told him. "There you go man! I knew you'd admit it." Jackson said sounding happy that I admitted it. The bell rang for class to start and the teacher and all the other students came in. I got a little suspicious when Mark came in while smiling and touching his cheek. As soon as he saw me staring at him he waved to me.

At lunch

We started heading outside to meet with the others. "Hey guys. I have to meet up with someone quickly. I'll see you later." Mark said running quickly to go outside. "Does Mark have a special someone?" Jaebum asked as suspicious as I was. "Mark? A girlfriend? He's way too shy to even like someone. Must be another friend or maybe he's making a surprise for Bambam!" Jackson said. "Why would he be making a surprise for Bambam?" Jin-Young asked which made my start blushing, because I didn't want the whole group to know I like Lee Yujin. "Well... It seems like Bambam likes someone!" Jackson told the group. "Who?" Everyone asked staring at me. " Her name is Le-" I punched him in the ribs which made him fall to the floor. "You don't have to know." I told them while walking back to class after looking at the time. It was almost time to head back to class anyway.

In the weekend

I woke up to the sound of the doorbell ringing. I went downstairs in my pajamas and opened the door. I was surprised to see Lee Yujin in front of the door. I didn't even tell her my address. "Hi Bambam. Jackson told me where you lived. I was kind of worried about you and Jackson thinks you're angry at him. Is there something wrong?" She said. "Nothing is wrong. I'll talk to him later. Come in!" I invited her into my house and ran upstairs to dress up. I went down after getting ready and saw her looking around the house. "So I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch somewhere with me." I asked her. Trying not to make it sound like a date. "Are you asking me on a date?" She teased. "Umm.." I was speechless. "I guess I am." I said feeling my face turn red. "Of course I'll got on a "date" with you!" She said excitedly. "Ok. How about the ramen place not far from here?" I asked her. "Sure!"

We started walking to the ramen store. I kept glancing at her polka dot dress that looked cute on her. As I looked at her and she looked at me, we both turned our heads and look at the floor and smiled.

We got to the Ramen store and sat down. I called over the waitress to order food. "I'll take a ramen with pork chops and a bit of chili please." Lee Yujin told the waitress. "I'll take the same thing." I told the waitress. "Sure thing. You two are very cute together." The waitress said making us blush. "Oh no. We're not together! We're just friends." We both said. "Oh I'm sorry. When a boy and a girl come here they're usually a couple. Anyway. I'll get your order right away." The waitress walked away leaving me and Yujin looking down embarrassed. About 5 minutes later our order came to our table. We payed the waitress and started eating. "So. Um. I was just wondering if you ever had a boyfriend." I asked her. "Oh umm. I had a boyfriend once. But he was terrible. I don't really like talking about it." She looked as if she was about to cry so I didn't ask about it. We finished our ramen and started heading home. "I have to go this way so I'll see you tomorrow maybe." She started heading her way, but I started walking to her. I grabbed her shoulders and she turned around quickly. She was so close to my face I blushed. "I'll walk you home." I said to her. "Sure..." She said slowly. We started walking to her house together. A few minutes later we got to her house and I waved to her goodbye and started walking home

I've never had a day like today. She might have had a bad history with her last boyfriend, but I would never hurt her.

Love at first sight❤️ (Bambam fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now