(10) Yujin's history

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Then her face turned serious.
"Since you've had a bad time in your relationship, I guess it's time I tell you about my history of my relationship.....

My mouth hung open. I was speechless. Even though I didn't say anything, she still began to talk.

"You probably saw that guy at school a couple weeks a go."
I thought about who she was talking about. Then I remembered.
He seemed like he was about to punch me. Instead he walked away.
"Yea. I remember." I told her.
"That was my ex boyfriend. He saw me at school and I guess all his memories came back so he got upset. He was about to punch me but you came just in time. Thank you."
"You welcome."
"So anyway. Here's everything that happened:
So we met in kindergarten. We would always play in the sandbox and on the swings. And sometimes we'd even get eachother into trouble. Like once, I tripped and fell flat on my face which of course left a big scratch. The teacher asked me what was wrong and I said he pushed me. The teacher fell for it and I laughed at him as he got scolded. And he once came in the class with a big scratch over his face. He told the teacher I scratched him since I had really long nails at that time. He actually had a cat so I guess it scratched him. I got in trouble anyway.

But when 8th grade started, he had feelings for me. I told him he was the only guy I've ever met that was actually funny and awesome. So we were together for like 1 year. Then I told him that being with him was like the same thing as being childhood friends with him. So basically I friendzoned him. He got upset and started shouting infront of my whole class. I didn't say anything so he hit me on the head. It was so hard I fell on the floor. Then he kicked me and just stormed out on the door."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. What she was telling me was just terrible.

"I know. A**hole am I right? So yea. I had to be brought into the nurse's office because of a bruise on my leg and a bump on my head. Oh and his name is Eugene."
"That's not a very korean name..." I said out of nowhere.
"He's half American. So yea. We never saw eachother again until that time a couple weeks ago at school. He started aproaching me. He was like: "Yujin! Long time no see girl. How are you doing?"
He was about to reach in for a hug but I shoved away and said: "I'm sorry but. I don't think we should be talking. I may have friendzoned you but your reaction went too far. So leave me alone."
So he got angry and of course he was about to punch me until you came. So yea. I wonder if he has a girlfriend now. Probably not. He doesn't even have any friends."

"Don't worry Yujin. I'll make sure he'll never get close to you." I said trying to comfort her.
"Thanks Bambam. And I'll try to get that creepy ex away from you."
She said half joking and half serious.

"We're here. At the cabin." I mensioned.
We walked into the cabin and sat on a couch in the living room.
"Bambam," Yujin said. "I need to tell you something." "You can tell me anything."
"I just really want to thank you for helping me out through all the tough times I've been through and well. I'm really, really happy that I've met you. I think that if I've never met you, my ex would probably beaten me up. So thank you so much." What she just said made me feel so happy for her.
"No problem Yujin. I'm very happy I met you too. And I feel like you're the person I can trust. So thank you too." I said.
"Yea," Yujin said like something else was coming."It's hard for me to say this so I'm just gonna be honest about it. I think that I can trust you with all my problems and. I want to know more about you and get closer to you."
"I don't understand Yujin. What are you saying."
"What I'm saying is. I want to be together with you. I really like you and I want to be with you..."

Author's note:

I hope you were all waiting for this moment! I had no idea what to write about so I thought: "Why not throw in some mind blowing crap or something like that?" So yea. I hope you're all enjoying my story!
( ^ω^ )

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