Serious Relationships

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"Hey Maddie!" I said when I walked into school.

"Hi Kendall," Maddie replied.

"So why couldn't you come over last night?" I asked.

I had called and asked Maddie if she wanted to spend the night last night since her parents where out of town, but she had quickly said no and hung up the phone.

"Oh, yeah," she replied. "Sorry about that. Nick came over and then ended up spending the night so..."


"He spent the night?!" I exclaimed.

"Shhhhhh!" Maddie put a finger to her lips and looked around to see if anyone had heard.

"Do your parents know?" I asked her.

"Of course not. They're out of town, remember?"

"What about Mackenzie?"

"I paid her $20 and told her if she told anyone I would make the rest of her life miserable," Maddie replied.

What if the producers found out? They would use it to add drama and get Dance Moms more views. Not to mention Maddie would be in serious trouble with her mom and Miss Abby.

As if reading my mind, Maddie said, "Kendall, you can't tell ANYONE. You know what would happen if the producers found out."

"I won't tell anyone," I said. Anyway, it wasn't the producers that bothered me.

"Thank you soooo much Ken! You're the best!" Maddie gave me a quick hug then scurried off to class.

Maddie's BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now