When The Bad Boy Said: I Love You

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Chapter Thirteen:

When The Bad Boy Said: I Love You

"Sometimes you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time."

Maya Granger

"Finally, we're here!" I exclaimed with mock exhaustion as I got out of Ryder's truck, slamming the door behind me. I walked around to the front, where its owner was waiting for me.

"Drama queen," Ryder said, with a small smile, and a shake of his head as I reached his side. Automatically, as if it was the most natural thing to do at that point, we held hands, fingers intertwining together. "Are you ready?" He asked, and I smiled up at him before nodding my head.

Ryder had brought us to the outskirts of Lynchburg to a dainty looking restaurant called, Claire's Diner Hall. I remember hearing the name from Ashton one time, saying that they had the best pancakes ever.

"You're mom said you didn't have breakfast, so I thought I'd take you here," Ryder explained, as we made our way into the diner. "They have really good pancakes. Ashton and I often eat breakfast here when we can..."

That explained a lot.

Ryder pushed opened the glass door that had an Open sign on it, and let it slowly close behind us once we were in. I was surprised to find it almost full.

Booths and tables used up most of the space, and the counter was a long bar table, with those spinning stools bolted to the white tiled floor, lining one side of it. On the other side stood two women, both busy as they served the people at the bar, a wall with a long open window where the ladies shouted their costumer's orders through, separated the bustling kitchen from the rest of the diner.

Ryder was looking around, when a boy who seemed to be not much older than us, dressed as an employee of the diner, approach us. I looked down to his name tag.

Mark, it read.

"Good morning, can I help you?" He asked, looking genuinely happy.

"Yeah, you got a table for two?" Ryder asked, smiling.

Mark grinned knowingly. "Follow me."

He lead us to a corner-slash-window table that had exactly two chairs, set across from each other with the table in between.

"I'll be right back with the menus," Mark said, as we sat down.

Ryder nodded in reply, and Mark walked off. I looked to my date, and asked, "So what's on the agenda today, Mr. O'Connel?"

He grinned, then sat forward in his seat, motioning for me to lean in as well. I rolled my eyes at his antics, but followed his actions.

"Well I was thinking," he said, "After this, maybe we could go to that gaming arcade that just opened, if you want, get lunch after that, then we'll walk around the mall, and you're gonna head straight into Barnes & Noble the moment you spot it-"

"How did you know?"

"-and after I drag you out of there on the condition of buying you any book you want, we'll drive down to the park, walk around for a bit, maybe get something cool to drink from the vendors there, and then, you'll sit down and start reading your book, and I'll simply watch you and wonder just how I met someone so...unique."

"For a moment there I thought you were gonna say perfect," I told him, barely holding in a snort, but smiled none the less.

Ryder rolled his eyes. "Perfect is boring. And you, Maya Granger, are definitely not boring."

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