Spin Off Special #9

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"You stole my heart. But I'll let you keep it."

Maya Granger

Camping has never really been my strongest suit. As someone who grew up in L.A. it was a foreign concept to me. So when Ryder found out, he made it his mission to teach me the ways of camping. However, somewhere along the way, Sakura, Ashton, Daniel and the rest of the gang got involved which resulted in our current situation.

Out in the middle of a forest I had no idea how we got to, in a clearing with the sun setting behind the tree line, everyone was setting up camp. Tents were being put up, firewood was gathered, and lawn chairs were set out. I helped where I can, and just as the last rays of light disappeared, a bonfire had been lit and everyone was ready for a night in the woods.

Dinner was lively, consisting of hotdogs and BBQ with Smores for dessert. Cheesy horror stories were exchanged as laughs were shared, before a comfortable silence enveloped us as I Don't Dance by Lee Brice played from someone's phone, filling the summer night silence.

Just then, Taylor and Lincoln stood up and began swaying to the music. I smiled just as Ryder gave my hand a squeeze and pulled me up from my seat. He gave me a smile before wrapping his arms around my waist and followed the other couple's lead. I chuckled when everyone else started gagging. However, Sakura and Ashton joined in as well, both giggling like maniacs. At what, I had no idea, but then I noticed even the boys had paired up and were pretending to be couples in love, clinging to each other with exaggerated looks of admiration. I shook my head in amusement when Daniel, who was paired with Justin sent me kissy faces. I dropped my forehead to Ryder's shoulder in a fit of giggles.

Suddenly, my feet were swept up from under me, and I let out a startled squeal, my arms tightening their hold around Ryder's neck. I gave him a glare to which he answered with a wink, shifting his hold on me, before he began to walk. Wolf whistles followed after us.

"What are you doing?" I asked, ignoring our friend's teasings.

He smiled. "You'll see."

Ryder made his way over to where everyone had parked their vehicles. It wasn't that far from where the tents were, but it was far enough that we couldn't hear everyone talking once we reached Lola (Ryder's truck). He set me down, and immediately took my hand as he lead me to the back where he had the tailgate down, and the inside was covered in blankets and pillows. After taking off our shoes, Ryder got on first before helping me up, then we were both lying on our backs looking up to the star littered sky.

"So, what are your thoughts on camping?" Ryder asked, his thumb rubbing random patterns on the back of my hand.

I let out a hum before answering. "I like it very much. Thank you."

"Do I get kiss now?"

Turning my head, I gave him a questioning look, and he explained, "I didn't get one at all today."

"You and kissing," I huffed out a small laugh. "Close your eyes."

"Oooh, Maya's taking the lead," Ryder said in a sing-song voice, but complied. Smirking, I quickly leaned up to kiss his chin, the contact brief and unsatisfactory if the look he gave me was anything to go by. "Really?"

I shrugged. "You didn't specify."

His eyes narrowed, and the next thing I knew, he had me caged in his arms, our chests touching as I was practically sprawled over him. I laughed as I felt him slowly squeezing me. "What the heck, Ryder!"

He looked down at me with a grin wide enough to split his face. "Allow me to demonstrate what type of kiss I want, Miss Granger, so that the next time I ask for one, you'll know."

The air around us froze, and my heart hammered against my chest in anticipation as I watched him. Our lips barely brushed, sparks igniting throughout my body and bringing butterflies to life in my stomach, then we heard voices.

"This is how you kiss," A voice that sounded suspiciously like Ashton's said, followed by guffaws of laughter.

Ryder released his hold on me, and we both looked up to see the entire gang surrounding the truck laughing their heads off. Sakura even had her phone out. I felt my cheeks burn in embarrassment, and the next thing everyone knew, Ryder was chasing them all down, shouting something along the lines of, Ruining the moment for an amazing make-out session. I stood up and watched the scene unfold before me in amusement with the help of the bonfire, and the moonlight. I chuckled, joining the others in their glee before looking up to the sky just in time to see a shooting star.

I grinned.

* * *


I have a few announcements to make~~

1. I GOT FREAKIN INTERVIEWED!! LIKE WHAAAAAAA??? Yeah, my mind was blown too!! So if you guys are interested, check it out. It's called: Writer's Revealed: Wattpad Interviews by the amazing weirdo, Nishsai_V. I encourage you guys to check her out. It was super fun, and she is truly a fantastic person who interviews amazing authors (more amazing than me obviously~ lol!!)! Which brings me to my next announcement;

2. Shout out to you Nishsai_V!! She helped me with this Spin-Off and endured my emotional self while I wrote. Haha!! I love you gurl!!!

And number 3!!
This is second to the last Spin-Off Special!!! I know, I'm crying too. I had no idea how much this would get to me. Haha!! The reason I'm saying this is because, for the last Spin-Off (que the tears) I want to write a previous chapter of WTBBSILY in Ryder's POV. Not the Spin-Off Specials, but before the Epilogue, and I want you guys to choose! Which chapter do y'all want me to write in Ryder's POV??

Be sure to let me know!!

Also, don't forget: if you have any questions for your favorite character, make sure to leave them in the comments as well~~

So with that being said, I'll see y'all crazies in the next (last) chapter!! Excuse my while I cry in a corner.


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