Spin-Off Special #4

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"I crave you in the most innocent form. I crave to say good night and give you forehead kisses and to say that I adore you when you feel at your worst. I crave you in ways where I just want to be next to you and nothing more or less."

* * *

With steps full of confidence he didn't feel, Ryder O'Connel made his way to a certain dressing room. He had to remind himself to breathe when he reached the white door with the words Bride, written intricately on a card hanging on it. He swallowed, and after pushing down the urge to loosen his necktie, he knocked. He heard the shuffling of fabric followed by the voice of the woman he loved.

The woman I'm marrying. Today.


He opened his mouth to answer, but nothing came out. He cleared his throat. "It's me."

More shuffling came from the other side of the door. "...Hey." she said, her voice sounding much closer. He slowly brought up a trembling hand to the door, pressing his palm on the cold surface knowing she was just on the other side. His heart was pounding so hard he was sure it would jump right of his chest.

"Hey..." he replied, not quite sure what to say. He thought for a second, then asked, "How are you?"

Her small giggle reached his ears, making his stomach do a backflip. "I'm good...what about you? You don't sound too well."

"I'm good." He chuckled, before taking a deep breath. "Just...a bit nervous I guess."

"You, nervous?" She asked, sounding very bewildered. "Can you say that one more time? I want to record it."

Ryder couldn't help but let out a short huff of laughter at her antics. A short silence followed, before she broke it. "What's wrong? You're not having second thoughts, are you?"

"I think I'm the one who should be asking you that."

"Well, I'm not the one who admitted to being nervous." She paused. "What's on your mind? Something's bothering you."

"It's not much of it bothering me as it is something that...I need confirmation on."

"Are you about to ask me the cliché question of, Are you sure about this? Are you really ready for this?"

Ryder nodded, then he remembered she can't see him. "Yeah...pretty much."

"Then the answer is no."

His heart stopped.

"I'm not sure about this. I'm not ready, I may never be!" She continued, and he couldn't say anything past the lump that lodged itself in his throat. "But I do know this: I love you, and I am for certain, one hundred percent sure, that would never change. Which is why I said yes to you, Ryder."

That was when he heard the quiver in her voice. His chest felt lighter, and the warmth of her words got rid of any doubts he had.

"So...if you're having second thoughts, I understand. We could still call the wedding off-"

"No!" Ryder smiled. He could really be stupid sometimes. "No...it's alright. I'm all good now. I guess I just needed to hear your voice."

"A-Are you sure?"

He chuckled. "Who's asking cliché questions now?"

He heard her scoff. "Shut up, and get out of here. The ceremony's starting in ten minutes."

"Can I get a kiss?"

"You'll get your kiss later!"


"No! Plus," she went on. "It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding, remember?"

"I'll close my eyes and promise not to peak."

"Still no."

"Please, Maya?"

There was a brief pause. "Are your eyes closed?"

Ryder smiled in triumph, before taking a step back from the door and closing his eyes. "They are now."

The sound of the door opening reached his ears, and he had to fight the urge to look. He hasn't seen her since yesterday, and it was killing him. The sound of her dress swooshing about was followed by her soft foot steps. He could feel her body heat, and clenched his hands to stop himself from reaching out and just grabbing her and kissing her senseless.

Maybe the wedding could wait, he thought, just as he felt her lips on his. Soft and warm. He immediately moved his own against hers, reminding himself to keep it simple. He felt and heard her giggle, her hands coming up to rest on his shoulders. His arms found their way around her waist as he pulled her closer to him. Just as they were getting lost in the kiss, the sound of someone clearing their throat had them pulling apart. Maya's gloved hand came up to cover his eyes, and he was thankful for her quick thinking as his first instinct was to open them.

"The kiss is suppose to happen after the priest says you can," Cherry's voice said, making Maya chuckle nervously.

"It was just...for good luck," she tried to reason, but Ryder could tell their friend was not buying it.

"Whatever. I just need the groom to get ready, and the bride to get back in there and wait."

Ryder grinned in the direction Cherry's voice was coming from. "Yes ma'am."

Slowly, Maya took her hand down from Ryder's eyes. "I'll see you in a few."

He nodded, and when he heard the door close, he opened his eyes to find Cherry smirking at him. "Come on, let's get this show on the road."

Ryder returned the action. "Right."

* * *

Sorry it was short!!

I'll try to get the next one up soon! Love y'all!!!!

Shout out to one of my best friends we_r_the_strays. It's her birthday today (September 23rd). I love you girl!! Can't wait to ride with you! Hahaha!!

Okay, so I'll see y'all in the next chapter.


P.S. unedited (Rora_chan14)

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