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"I remember the first day I ever looked into your eyes and felt my entire world flip."

L.A., California

9 Years Later

"Alright boys, where to?" Ryder O'Connel asked, as he got into the driver's seat of his truck, turning to look at his twin sons in the back.

Gabriel and Michael O'Connel were only four years old, and the exact carbon copy of their father.

"Ice cream!" Gabriel, the older of the two by three minutes, exclaimed, his twin nodding in agreement.

Ryder grinned, and turned back to the front then started his car. "Ice cream it is."

He pulled out of D&D Modeling Inc., his work place, and started heading for their next destination. He had to bring his sons to work that day since their mother was out shopping for presents. Christmas was just around the corner.

His boss didn't mind that he brought the boys with him, since they were well behaved kids. And it wasn't the first that he came to work with them. D&D Modeling Inc. was a a famous modelling agency that had scouted him as soon as he graduated from high school. He has been officially modelling since then, and had been on multiple covers for fashion magazines. It didn't take long for him to become one of America's top models. However, he didn't care for that, nor for the fame that came with it. He simply enjoyed what he was doing, and the little joys of his life; like his family.

Gabriel and Michael were singing along to some Christmas songs playing on the radio, when his phone started ringing. He looked down to his phone, and saw his wife's name flash across the screen.

"What's up babe?" He asked, after answering the call, putting it on loud speaker.

"Sorry this isn't your babe," a familiar voice replied.

"Cherry?" Ryder asked. "Why do you have Maya's phone?"

"Oh I don't know, maybe because your wife is in labor!"

"What?!" He nearly slammed down on the breaks.

"Yeah, hurry!"

Don't need to tell me twice, Ryder thought, before overtaking whoever he can to get to the hospital, trying his best not to go over the speed limit.

"What's wrong daddy?" Michael asked.

Ryder looked at his sons through the rearview mirror, noticing the worry on their faces. He smiled at them and answered, "Your little sister's coming sooner than we thought."

At the mention of their younger sibling, their faces brightened, and they started cheering and hollering.

Ryder chuckled, and focused back on the road.


"Ryder stop pacing!" Cherry exclaimed, most likely getting irritated by him. They were currently in the empty waiting room of the hospital Maya was admited into.

Cherry's hair was no longer pink like it was back in their highschool days. It was back to its natural brown color, but with streaks of neon green in it. She had pursued her passion for anime, and had become a Japanese comic artist. The only reason she was back from Japan at the moment, was because Maya made her promise to visit them during Christmas time.

"I'm just worried!" Ryder sighed, taking a seat next to his sons who was watching him. They instantly crawled unto his lap, and he hugged them both. Maya wasn't suppose to give birth in another two weeks.

"She'll be fine," Cherry told him, rubbing his shoulders. She smiled when Michael moved to her lap, and gave the child a kiss on the cheek.

"Are you getting that new Canon for Maya?" She asked Ryder.

"Already got it," he grinned at her over Gabriel's head.

Maya had decided to be more serious with photography after they started dating, and got hooked on it once she got all the right equipment. There were days he found himself getting jealous of her camera and growing passion for photography, but she only needed to smile at him once for his jealousy to die down. Now, she was one of the most sought out photographers in the city.

Another fifteen minutes passed by, before a female doctor came into the waiting room, and Ryder immidiately got to his feet, awaiting word of his wife and daughter's health.

She smiled at them. "Mr. O'Connel?"

"That's me," he answered.

"Congratulations, you have a healthy baby girl," the doctor announced. "And the missus is doing just fine."

Ryder let out a breath, tears blurring his vision as happiness bubbled inside of him. His girls were okay. He sniffed, and wiped at his eyes before the waterworks could begin. "Can we see them now?" He asked, motioning to his sons and Cherry.

The doctor's smile widened. "Yes you may, they're in the private room you booked."

Cherry watched as Ryder exited the waiting room with his sons, deciding she should give them some family time. She suddenly had the urge to have kids of her own. Looking down to the engagement ring on her finger, she wondered what Ashton would think of that; kids.

Maya opened her eyes when she heard the door open, and smiled at her family. Ryder took one of her hands into his, and kissed it, looking down to their daughter who was sleeping peacefully next to her.

She silently laughed at the way Michael and Gabriel were looking at their younger sister, eyes wide and curious.

"Why is she so small?" Gabriel asked, and Michael nodded, signalling he wanted to know as well.

"You guys were that small too," Ryder told them, smiling fondly at their sons.

"Really?" Gabriel asked, looking up to his dad, who nodded in return.

"What's her name, mommy?" Michael asked.

Maya smiled. "Tanya," she answered, looking up to her husband. It was his mother's name. She could see the tears gathering in his eyes, and her vision clouded with her own.

She watched as he slowly got down on his knees, and covered her hands with both of his, holding it against his forehead, as his body shook with his sobs. She smiled fondly at him, their sons only giving them confused looks.

"I like her name," Michael said, smiling down at his baby sister.

"Me too!" Gabriel exclaimed happily.

"Daddy too," Ryder said, wiping his eyes, before smiling at his sons.

He leaned in towards Maya, and gave her a kiss on the forehead, then whispered, "Thank you. I love you."

"I love you, too."


Uwaaaaaaa!!! It's over, and I wanna cry!!! Does anyone have tissues on them?? *sniff* It seens like it was only yesterday when I posted the first chapter! Anyways, yah, that's the end! OMG, I can't believe it's done! When I started When The Bad Boy Says: I Love You, I didn't have a solid outline, or story plot, but I did know I wanted it to be just a short story. I wanted it to be relaxing, and sweet. Something readers won't regret reading. Hopefully y'all enjoyed Ryder and Maya's adventures, however crappy my writting skills is/was. From the bottom of my heart, Thank you very much! *bows deeply*

I love y'all, and hope to write for y'all again in the future!!

Lots of Love,


♡ E.N.D. ♡

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