Chapter 8 - Gravity

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"Is that so... so LET BE FRIENDS" jongin said that made me shocked... what's wrong with this Kim f*cking Kai!!! Maybe he's playing with me... geez... this jerk...

"Mr. Kim... i think a person like you is not suitable to be my friends... but let me think about it..." i said in flat tone and leaving him fading the smirk in his face.

I finally arrived in my room to my first class... i saw suho hyung and baekhyun were already in their seats.

"Hey kyungsoo... good morning" suho hyung greeted me and i smile as a response.

I go to my chair and place my things on my table... i just blankly look at the window thinking about what jongin said... why he suddenly acting like that... yes there's nothing wrong about asking someone to be your friend, but it just happened that it's quiet weird for him to ask me that thing. Suddenly someone wakes me up to reality by poking my forehead...

"Yah!! What's wrong with you" i whine because sh*t it hurts.

"We've been talking to you about nth times but you were just staring in the window like your going to melt it by your stares" baekhyun whimper.

Wow i didn't notice that they were talking to me... i was busy thinking about that jongin guy... i look at my two friends who are now giving me a confuse look.

"Kyungsoo is there anything wrong?" Suho hyung ask.

"Ahm... nothing just thinking about something... why?" I manage to reply when i'm fully back in the reality.

"Ahh... ok... " suho hyung said.

"By the way kyungsoo i heard something about our president son..." baekhyun said

Geez here we goes again... please just please i don't want to talk about jongin anymore... and beside i forgot to tell them that i knew him already... and basically i'm his tutor.. it sucks... i'll tell them in the right time.

"So what about him??? Beside baek why you're so updated with our president son?" I response a bit irritated.

"I have source and it's the hottest news in our school....ok so this is what i'm about to say... remember the first day of school?? He mess up with someone that day... suho is right he is a total jerk" baekhyun said like one of the movie star in a drama series.

"I told you.." suho hyung said.

I know that already... he is more than a jerk... he is f*cking rude!!!
I'm about to say something when our teacher arrived inside the room. Well basically it is the sign of a new boring hours.


The day had passed like usual... boring... it's already 4pm i have to be in jongin's house before five because today is our first session of tutorial. I walk in the corridor handing so much paper. I saw chanyeol walking in my direction showing his wide smile. He stopped in front of me and get the stuff in my hands.

"You seems tired... aren't you... let me handle this.." he said then smile at me. I'm so glad that i have him always helping me and cheering me up.

"Thank you... by the way chan chan i'll be home late so eat your dinner first okay." I said with a small smile.

I see how the smile in chanyeol's face fade out. Oh yes i forgot to tell him that today is my first day in my tutorial.

"But why kyungie?" He said in low tone.

I sigh and patted his shoulder before answering his question.

"Ahm.. today is my first day in my tutorial... i have to meet my tutee before five... so see you at the apartment later... don't forget to eat your dinner ok.." i said then smile.

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