Chapter 34 - Kim Kyungsoo

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Its already 8:30pm yet kyungsoo is not here... I'm worried if he's coming or not.
I'm now talking to random businessman here on the party. It sucks having a conversation with different business enthusiast.

Time passed by and I'm still hoping that kyungsoo will come. I'm still holding his words that he'll be here with me. I'm now pathetically waiting for him. Every once in a while I'll look in my watch to see what time is it.

Its already 9:30pm, i cant see even a single sign of him. I'm losing my hope that he's coming. I texted him and also call him but his not responding. What's wrong Do Kyungsoo ?? Are you going to ditch me??

I'm about to go somewhere to relax and calm myself when suddenly the door opened and I saw a stunning man standing near on the door. I'm so mesmerized to what I see, I'll be honest... I literally drool because of the sight in front of me.

"Sh*t" I cursed under my breath because I feel like I'll be having a boner by just staring at this man.

Do Kyungsoo... why your so stunning... he's damn Fuck*ng sexy... everyone is now looking at him like he's a very delicious meal. Kyungsoo is now wearing a black toxido with grey pattern on it's edge and a black silk pant that's enveloping his precious legs. His hair is style like his fresh from the bath, its a bit wet and scattered on his face but in presentable manner.

I suddenly snapped on my thoughts when suddenly I feel that there is someone poking on my forehead.

"Jonginie... are you OK.. I'm sorry if I'm late..." kyungsoo said

I look at him and beamed a big smile, he's here... he comes... I'm so happy...

"Yo brother!! Like what you see??" Suddenly my older brother popped up behind kyungsoo.

"Yay!! Minseok hyung what are you doing there!!" I whined.

"Yay... Kim Jongin!! How many times I have to tell you that don't call me minseok... call me xiumin!!! I hate you... after all what I've done..." xiumin hyung said then pout.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"Just ask kyungie... OK I have to go... enjoy the night..." xiumin hyung said then wave to say goodbye.

Huh?? Sometimes I thought having a hyung is freaking crazy. Aish...

"Kyungie... why you're late?" I asked.

"Ahm... it's just... ahm... it's a long story..." he said shyly.

"I'm ready to listen 'till forever just tell me why?" I said sincere.

Kyungsoo just chuckle and nodd... omo he's so damn freaking hot!!!!

"OK fine... actually I arrived here in time but I decided to go home afterwards..." kyungsoo said.

"Huh?? What do you mean??" I asked confused.

"Cause you... freaking jongin didn't tell me that it's a formal party so I arrived here wearing just a plain white v-neck shirt and tight skinny jeans... but thanks to your hyung he's my Savior..." kyungsoo said giggling to his last word.

"Yay!!! Why are you giggling saying xiumin hyung!!! And what Savior... I'm your only man... your everything... arasso... I'm yours.. your mine!!" I protested.

Kyungsoo just chuckle and nodd

"But still I'm thankful to him... actually if not because of him I'm probably at home right now... he help me to find something to wear... he also called someone to styled my hair... " kyungsoo said smiling.

"OK... arasso.. arasso... but stop smiling like that... it's making me jealous... " I said

"Aish... whatever... ahm... by the way... do you like my hair style?? It took so long to do this..." kyungsoo said smiling at me innocently.

"No I don't... I don't like it... but I love it... look downwards..." I said.

He then look downwards and I saw him blushing I think he knew what I meant.

"See... by just seeing you like this I'm having a boner..." I said sexily.

Suddenly our conversation we're interrupted by a romantic song that is played by the DJ.

"Don't you mind if we dance??" I asked kyungsoo.

"Ahm... there's a lot of people here, I'm shy... and beside I don't know how to dance..." kyungsoo said

But I didn't mind what he said I grab his arm and drag him to the dance floor. Everyone is now busy dancing with their own partner. My hands is now on kyungsoo's waist while his hand is wrapped around my neck. We swayed on the rhythm of music.

"Have I told you how beautiful you are??" I whisper to him sexily.

"Yes... about the nth time..." he said chuckling.

"Tzk... so confident... but yeah... you really are beautiful..." I said playfully that made him blush.

We continue racking back and fort while looking to each others eyes. Sh*t he's so f*cking sexy... I don't know if I can control myself anymore. Without hesitation I cupped kyungsoo's face and his eyes popped wider than it's usual. I slowly went closer to his face and in a blink my lips landed into his. I passionately kiss him and in a second he kiss me back. Everyone stop dancing and now looking at us. Well I don't care... I want to show everyone that me.. Kim Jongin... is in love with this owl guy Do Kyungsoo... and this Do Kyungsoo is mine!!! Mine only....!!

After minutes of passionate kiss kyungsoo broke the kiss and look downwards while his face is flashing crimson red. I lift his chin to meet my gaze.

"Jonginie... their looking at us..." kyungsoo said shyly.

"Its OK... I wanted to show them that I'm yours... and your mine..." I said and it makes him blush more.

Kyungsoo just nodded and I placed his head on my chest while my chin is rested above his head.

"Kyungsoo... " I said in low tone but loud enough for him to hear.

"Hmm.." he responsed

"Ahm... are we now you know?" I asked.

"What?? Boyfriends?" He answered my question with another question.

"Yes..." I said.

"Tzk... pabo... you didn't even ask me... so how can we be boyfriends.." kyungsoo said a bit laughing.

"So... Do Kyungsoo... can you be my boyfriend?" I ask him sincerely.

"Ahm... very good... yes... yes... I'm now officially yours and you are officially mine..." he said and I feel he's smiling while his head is rested on my chest.

"So... we are now official... KIM KYUNGSOO...." I said and he look at me with a blush on his cheek, he is about to say something buy I kiss him to shut his mouth.

Here's another chapter as what I said...
OK mark your Calender December 25 is the official day for kaisoo!!! Aahaha... I hope you like this chapter...
And yes xiumin is jongin's older brother!!!
I hope you like this chapter... it's my Christmas gift to everyone.
Thanks for reading... EXO-ChanTole :-)


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