Chapter 21 - Still Waiting

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I woke up with a warm hand embracing my small figure. I slowly open up my eyes to see a adorable jongin still sleeping. His body is still exposed without any cover. I blush because of the sight. I scanned his face... he's so calm and peaceful. I'm so captivated by his angelic figure.

"Are you done eye-raping me?" Jongin ask playfully still eyes closed.

"Tzk... wake up... i have to go home or else i'll be late..." i said

I'm about to stand up from the bed when suddenly jongin embraced me tighter and pulled me back in the bed.

"Let's just stay like this for some more minutes... and don't worry about your uniform, i ask my maid to washed it and prepare it for you so that we can go to school together." jongin said under his breath.

"O-ok" i said in low tone.

We stayed in that position for more than a minute. We appreciate the warm given by each other. We remained silent for a while letting the beats of our heart echoed in the four corners of the room. After a few more minutes i turned around to face jongin.

"Ahm... jongin can i ask you a question?" I ask looking at him who are still half asleep.

Jongin slowly open his eyes and met my gaze. He gave me a sweet smile before answering my question.

"Yes... what's that baby??" Jongin said in a very sweet manner.

I blush because of the way he call me. I lowered my head so that he can't see my blushing face but failed when he lift it using his one hand.

"This sight makes my morning complete..." jongin said sincerely.

My face turned crimson red because of what he said, it fluttered my heart.

"Tzk... so sweet... by the way i just wanted to ask... you seems not that stupid or even a pain on ass 'sometimes'... but why your all previous school kicked you out?" I ask due to my confusion because i found jongin smart and the same time a good person.

I saw him hesitating weather he will going to answer or not but in the end he leaved a heavy sigh before answering my question.

"Ok... ahm... how to start... well let just say that i do it intentionally..." jongin said

"Huh what do you mean?" I ask confused.

"I don't want to finished my studies so that i do everything to make it happen... i used to become a pain on ass and hard headed..." jongin said like it's the normal thing in the world.

"Ahm... but why??? Everyone's dream is to finished their study and have a decent work." I said in low tone and sincere.

"Well i'm not... i have a reason... "

"And that reason is???" I ask really curious about his reason.

"Fine... it's because i don't want to take over my dad's company... ever since when i was young my dad told me that he will going to passed me the ownership of the company. Even in my young age he trained me to become a business man, reasons why i didn't enjoy my childhood. I don't know why he want me to take over the company though i have older brother that can handle it... i don't want to waste my life sitting in the office and signing tons of paper... i want to spend my whole life doing what i want... that is the reason why i always acted like a pain on ass and stupid for him to know that i don't deserve the copany and let him passed it to my older brother... " jongin said seriously, i see to his eyes that he is sincere.

I just hug him tighter and kiss him in his forehead while drawing circle on his back.
We stayed for few more minutes before i broke the hug and stand up.

"Ok stand up... let's prepare or else we'll be late..." i said.

"Tzk... my mom own the school... so its not a big deal if we got late..." jongin said then pout.

I grab a pillow on the bed and throw it directly on his face.

"Yah!! Pabo!!! Though your mom is the owner of the school you should follow the rules... so get up or else i'll leave you alone" i said.

He stand up quickly and back hug me.

"Don't leave me... ok... so... are you going to take shower first or me... or we can go shower together..." jongin said playfully which earned a smack from me.

"Tzk... pervert... you go first..." i said

"Ok..." he said then proceed to the bathroom.

I walk towards my bag and grab my phone. I open it to revealed 100+ missed call and 50 messages coming from one person, Chanyeol.

"Sh*t... F*ck i forgot" i cursed myself because i ditch chanyeol in our dinner.

I open up the messages and read some of it. My heart ripped into pieces when i read chanyeol's messages.

'Kyungsoo where are you now?? The dinner is ready" -11:43 pm

"Kyungsoo i'll gonna heat up the food when you arrived" -12:36 am

"Kyungsoo are you ok... is there something bad happened to you??" -1:52 am

"Kyungsoo... i'll prepared your favorite food i hope you like it..." -3:47 am

"Kyungsoo I'm still waiting" -5:27 am

My knees fall on the ground while my tears continuesly streaming down to my face. I'm so mean to do that to chanyeol. How am i supposed to face him again....

Sorry for updating so late... paper works, quizzes are all sucks... college life is freaking hard...
Ah... so sad... poor chanyeol... he waited all night for kyungsoo...
I hope you look forward to the next chapter... sorry for making chanyeol miserable.
Well guys don't you ever do that to your friend it's really hurt. EXO-ChanTole

'It's hurts when someone judge you for being you'

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