chapter 1

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Hoseok's POV

Let me clarify something before I get started.

I really hate Park Jimin. I do.

I am not lying! Why would you even say that?

I am not fucking lying, okay?

Sure, he is attractive as hell, and can be super sweet at times...

No, where am I getting at? He's a huge douchebag.

He's your typical fuckboy who owns a tattoo shop next to the flower shop where I work.

What a fucking coincidence.

It is possible for me to hate someone who is also super hot, their attractiveness has nothing to do with it!

Park Jimin can go fuck himself, as far as I'm concerned.


It was your typical business day at Victoria's Flower Shop.

Customers were busy bustling about, admiring the variety of plants the place had to offer, and Hoseok was sitting behind the counter, in his lilac colored shirt and khaki pants, the normal work place attire, and was casually doodling on a pad of notebook paper.

Victoria's Flower Shop was fairly successful, seeing as many people came to buy their popular flower arrangements, but otherwise it was usually quiet.

Well it was, until the little thrift store next to them was put out of business, and a tattoo shop was put in replacement.

Hoseok enjoyed going to the thrift store and buying little knick knacks and obscure graphic shirts, and now that it was gone, Hoseok was kind of bitter over it.

Maybe that's where his hatred for Jimin took root.

Jimin was the owner and one of the tattoo artists at the place, even though he didn't have an inch of ink anywhere on his body, and overall he was polite.

But Hoseok still hated him, even though he couldn't place why.


Jimin's POV

I really don't get why Hoseok is always so rude to me.

Did I do something wrong?

I don't remember saying anything wrong.

I just wanted some flowers to give to my mother.

It was her birthday after all, and I am polite!

Although Hoseok seems to think otherwise.

I just wanted to be friends, but he gives me this cold stare every time I walk into the flower store.

Maybe he's just a moody kid.

I hope he gets over it.


The door chime rung loudly through the otherwise empty store, causing Hoseok to glance up from his sketchpad.

But when he saw the familiar mop of bright red hair, he groaned, looking back down at the bird he was currently drawing.


No response.

"I'm here to pick up some lotus flowers."

Again, no response.

"Can't you get fired for ignoring a customer?"

Hoseok sighed, sitting up in his bar stool chair that stood behind the counter, and finally looked at Jimin.

"You're here to pick up the lotus flowers? I'll be right back."

Hoseok went into the back room, where all the previous orders where kept, waiting for pick up.

Taehyung was standing towards the back corner, putting together a bouquet of different colored roses, when he saw Hoseok's angry expression.


Hoseok nodded.

Taehyung sighed, returning back to his bouquet, leaving Hoseok to rummage through the brightly colored flowers until he found the lotuses.

"Why did Jimin only order 3 lotuses?" Hoseok asked, looking at the three stems tied carefully together.

Taehyung shrugged. He was never one for words.

Hoseok made his way back to the counter, where Jimin was waiting, and handed him the flowers.

"Aww, how sweet! Hoseok gave me flowers!" Jimin said in a teasing tone. Hoseok rolled his eyes, printing out a receipt.

"This is the first, and the last time I'll ever give you 'flowers'." Hoseok grumbled, handing Jimin his change.

"You never answered my question."

"What question?" Hoseok asked, trying to remember what their previous conversation consisted of.

"I asked if you could get fired for being rude to a customer."

"Well, no I can't. Because I'm the one who does the 'firing' around here." Hoseok explained, his tone laced with anger.

"You're the owner? Why is it called Victoria's Flower Shop then?" Jimin asked.

Hoseok always hated that question. Yes, he was the owner of the flower shop, and yes, he did name it Victoria's Flower Shop, but that's only because he always thought the name Victoria was beautiful, and he had promised his mom he would name it after her.

"I thought the name was pretty." Hoseok briefly explained, averting his gaze from Jimin's.

Jimin smiled. "It is a beautiful name."

"I have a question for you." Hoseok said as Jimin started to leave the store.

"Why did you only order 3 lotuses?"

Jimin laughed, turning around to face Hoseok completely.

"I needed it for a tattoo reference. A customer wanted a lotus tattoo, and I needed something to base it off on."

Hoseok nodded, turning back around and going back to the storeroom.

"I'll see you around!" Jimin called after him.

"Don't count on it." Hoseok mumbled in reply.

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