chapter 5

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For a while, Jimin and Hoseok were distant. It was very hard to go from absolutely hating each other, to becoming good friends.

But eventually, things started to work out. Hoseok was spending more time with Jimin, and they were learning new things about each other.

For example, Hoseok now knew that Jimin absolutely adored chocolate, and Jimin knew that Hoseok couldn't stand snakes.

They would go on trips with each other, sometimes to a nearby beach or a restaurant, and occasionally Jimin would stop by and pick up flowers, greeting Hoseok with a grin and a wave.

This continued on for a while, Hoseok taking Jimin to places he enjoyed, and vice versa.

Then, one night Hoseok called Jimin in tears.

"J-Jimin?" Hoseok spoke into the phone receiver, holding his bloody hand.

"What is it Hoseok? Are you alright?"

"No." Hoseok sniffed, trying his best to ignore the pain blossoming from both of his wrists.

Jimin started to panic. "What happened, Hoseok? Please talk to me."

"I cut too deep."


Within the next 10 minutes, Jimin arrived at Hoseok apartment, bursting into the bathroom where Hoseok was.

"Oh my god, Hoseok! What the hell is this?" Jimin dropped down to his knees so that he was at Hoseok's level, and began to inspect his wrists.

There were little cuts all over his wrist, and Jimin could tell that they were new.


Hoseok immediately shook his head, tears streaming down his face.

"J-Just don't talk!" He shouted, wiping the blood on his shirt.

So Jimin just sat there in silence, patching Hoseok up as he cried some more. All that could be heard was the steady dripping of water in the sink.

"I'm so fucking weak." Hoseok declared, breaking the silence. The sudden statement both surprised and scared Jimin.

"Don't say that."

"Say what? Say that I'm weak? I'm just stating the truth." Hoseok replied. His eyes seemed glazed over, as if the actual Hoseok wasn't there.

"But it's not the truth. You're not weak at all, Hoseok." Jimin tried reassuring Hoseok, but he could tell that his efforts were useless.

Hoseok laughed in response.

"You don't know me well enough, Park Jimin. I am weak, that's why everyone leaves. I can't even stand myself, so why should others attempt to do so?"

It was absolutely heartbreaking to hear Hoseok talking like that, and Jimin couldn't stand it.

"Don't say that, Hoseok. I swear if you say it one more time I will leave you here to bleed out." Jimin snapped, wrapping bandages around his wrists.

"You wouldn't do that."

"Try me."

"But you wouldn't. You say that you would leave me here, but you've been here long enough. You're not going to leave."

"I thought you just said that everyone you know leaves."

"Metaphorically, not literally."

"I can leave both ways."

"But you won't."

And the sad thing about it, was that Hoseok was right. No matter what Hoseok said, or even did to Jimin, could never make him leave.

Because from the beginning, Jimin loved Hoseok. His hatred was just a mask.

And as cliche as it may sound, Jimin was in love with the broken flower boy.

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