chapter 3

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The next morning, Hoseok woke up with a pounding headache, and a pair of sore nipples.

"What the hell?" Hoseok mumbled to himself, pulling up his shirt. A pair of silver studs decorated his sore nipples, and confusion along with anger consumed him.

Yoongi was at the kitchen table, sipping a cup of coffee and eating a bagel when Hoseok burst in.

"What the fuck did I do last night?" He asked, pointing to his nipples.

"Isn't it obvious? You got your nipples pierced." Yoongi replied, sipping some more of his coffee.

"You were the sober one! We all agreed that you would stop us from doing this kind of shit!" Hoseok exclaimed.

Yoongi chuckled. "I was going to stop you, but it was absolutely hilarious watching you get your nipples pierced by Jimin."

"Jimin?! Jimin pierced my nipples? He saw me without a shirt on?!" Hoseok started to ramble on about his sore nipples, how much he hated Jimin, and how Yoongi should've stopped him.

Yoongi just sat there, calmly eating his breakfast while Hoseok complained. Sometimes it was healthy to rant.

"Are you even listening?!"


"No you're not! I fucking hate Jimin! With his winning personality and cute smile and goddamn squinty eyes, I hate him!"

Then silence was all that filled the room. Yoongi looked at Hoseok in surprise, and then smiled.

"I knew it."

"I meant zero of what I just said, okay? I hate Park Jimin." Hoseok replied, stomping off to find some Advil and something to eat.

Yoongi shook his head. Hoseok was blindly in love with Jimin, and he was denying it.


Hoseok's POV

I can't believe Jimin pierced my nipples.

I just can't fucking believe it.

I hate Jimin, and I hate Yoongi for letting me get a nipple piercing in the first place.

I hate myself for saying those things about Jimin.

He saw me shirtless.


I hope he doesn't remember seeing the scar.

I haven't shown it to anyone.

But Jimin, out of all people, saw it.

I need to talk to him.


Jimin was walking around town, casually window shopping as he usually did every Saturday morning. It wasn't like he had anyone to spend it with.

He passed a few clothing stores, an antique store, a couple book stores, and then he found himself standing in front of a flower store.

Jimin didn't remember how long he was standing there, staring up at the purple cursive spelling out "Victoria's Flower Shop".

Then he walked inside, glancing at the front counter and seeing that Hoseok was sitting behind it.

He quickly ran behind a display of roses, hoping that Hoseok didn't see him. Then, he continued on walking through the store, acting nonchalant and pretending to inspect the flower displays, when really he was watching Hoseok.

Hoseok didn't exactly look like he was in pain, but he didn't look happy either.

8 hours earlier.

Jimin groaned. This day was absolutely terrible, and Hoseok just had to go and make it even worse.

"Just take off your damn shirt so we can get this over with."

Hoseok pulled his shirt over his head, shivering as the cold air hit his body.

"It's so fucking cold." Hoseok complained.

Hoseok continued to shiver and complain about the cold, but Jimin was too transfixed by the scars that decorated Hoseok's torso and hips.

He could tell which ones used to be deeper cuts, and which ones were mere scratches caused by Hoseok's nails.

Jimin couldn't believe it. Hoseok was always so happy, or at least he seemed happy.

So what the hell were all those scars for?

Jimin took a deep breath, inhaling through his nose and exhaling through his mouth.

He had to talk to Hoseok about what he saw. He knew that Hoseok probably didn't want him to see it, but he was drunk and probably didn't remember.

Jimin walked towards the counter, earning a glare from Hoseok, but he ignored it.

"Hoseok, I need to talk to you."

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