chapter 7

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Hoseok hadn't actually forgotten what he wanted to say, he was just scared.

"Park Jimin, I love you."

But instead, he just shrugged it off, acting as if he had forgotten. The phrase echoed in the back of his mind for the rest of the day, and Hoseok wanted to tell him.

He really did.

Instead, they finished walking together, bidding each other good night, and going their separate ways, leaving Hoseok feeling a peculiar level of regret.

He wanted to tell him.

And Hoseok didn't know it, but Jimin was going through the same dilemma. The two boys were hopelessly in love, and yet neither wanted to admit it.

Why couldn't they?

Fear of course.

Hoseok was angry that he was letting his own fear control him, and so was Jimin. Hoseok believed that feeling fearful meant you were weak, and Jimin believed that feeling fearful meant you were hopeful.

And that night, Jimin was feeling very hopeful.

Hoseok had invited him to go to a nearby art museum, one that Jimin had attended on his own time. A Van Gogh exhibit had just opened, and Jimin was almost dying to see it.

Hoseok had never really appreciated art, but he didn't despise it either. He just never found the time to put a lot of thought into a piece of paper and wood that had paint splattered on it.

But once he heard Jimin talking about art, as if it was the very work of the gods, then Hoseok learned to enjoy it more. After all, art was emotion, and so was love.

Hoseok decided he needed more emotion in his life.


It was December 8th, when Jimin and Hoseok had finally went to the art museum.

As he was walking up the museum, Hoseok was fascinated by the mere design of the building. It was very architectural, the sides of the building jutting out in geometrical shapes and designs.

The inside was even more pleasing for Hoseok. The walls were painted white, and it was dimly lit, letting natural light stream in from the windows. Paintings down by unknown artists hung on the walls leading up to the ticket desk, and Hoseok stared at them as Jimin got the tickets.

While Jimin made small talk with the person at the desk, Hoseok looked around himself, looking at all the kinds of people who came to the museum. People ranging from art students with brightly colored hair, to old women attended the museum.

"You ready?" Jimin asked, tapping Hoseok on the shoulder.

Hoseok nodded, looking around him in bewilderment.

"I can't believe I've never been here before."

Jimin chuckled, starting to walk towards the exhibit, with Hoseok trailing behind.

They reached the doors leading into the exhibit. Soft classical music played through the speakers placed around the room, and the walls were painted a soft lilac, instead of the usual white.

Hoseok and Jimin walked around, looking at the paintings in silence, and just enjoying each other's silence.

Then, they approached the ever so famous Starry Night painting, and Jimin smiled.

"This is my favorite out of all of them."

"Hm? And why's that?" Hoseok asked, looking at Jimin, who kept on staring at the blue paint strokes carefully placed on the canvas.

"It just strikes me as nostalgic, and sad at the same time." Jimin replied, still not taking his eyes away from the painting.

Hoseok looked at Jimin's hands, both hanging down at his sides, and suddenly Hoseok had an idea.

He scooted a bit closer to Jimin, lacing his fingers through Jimin's, watching his reaction. Jimin just smiled softly, squeezing his hand in reassurance.

They walked through the rest of the exhibit hand in hand, and Hoseok felt like he was on cloud nine, although all he was doing was holding his hand.

Nevertheless, it still sparked a new kind of feeling inside Hoseok. The feeling of desperately wanting something, but having it held out from your reach, but just barely.

Soon enough, they had seen all the exhibits they had wanted to see, and they were walking out of the museum, when Jimin stopped Hoseok.

"Hoseok, I need to tell you something."

Hoseok smiled. "So do I."

Jimin laughed nervously, running his hand through his hair, and avoiding Hoseok's eyes.

"Let's just both say it at the same time." Hoseok suggested, confused as to why Jimin was acting so distressed.

Jimin shook his head. "I don't want to tell you here."

So they walked a little ways, until they found a small cluster of trees. Jimin took Hoseok's hand again, and led him through the trees, twisting around until they almost reached the end, far enough from everyone else.

Jesus Christ, I'm alone again.

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