chapter 2

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Jimin's POV

Yesterday I went to Hoseok's store.

He got angry again.

I just don't fucking understand! I was just there to pick up flowers.

Sometimes I wish he wasn't always like this.

Maybe things will look up.


Jimin's tattoo shop was voted the best in town some time back, when Jimin wasn't actually working there yet.

The owner who had it before him cared a lot about hygiene and keeping the needles and all the supplies absolutely pristine. Jimin was similar, and the store was still kept in it's clean, orderly fashion.

All sorts of people would come into the store.

Girls wanting their ears pierced, fully tattooed bikers coming in for yet another tattoo, and even first timers.

Jimin was preparing a stencil for a customer who wanted the bird tattoo from Divergent, and if he was being completely honest, Jimin was getting sick of doing the damn bird tattoos.

Then he heard the door swing open, and a bunch of teenagers stumbled in laughing.

Jimin groaned. They were probably drunk. Just another great addition to the shitty day he was having.

He wiped off the stencil, placing it on the person's back, while going to go assist the customers who just walked in.

And to his surprise, it was Hoseok with his  friends.

What a damn surprise.

Hoseok was standing next to a guy with bleached hair, who was currently laughing his ass off. Next to the one with the bleached hair, was a guy who had brown hair, and was frowning.

Jimin turned to him, "So... What's the plan?"

"These two idiots want nipple piercings." He replied, jerking his thumb in the direction of Hoseok and the other, as they burst out laughing once again.

Jimin guessed that he was sober, as he kicked them and told them to 'grow the fuck up'.

Jimin nodded, trying not to laugh himself, jotting down the requested piercing and its cost.

"I personally think that it's a stupid idea." The man huffed, leaning against the counter.

Jimin chuckled, looking up and seeing Hoseok and his friend gazing at the piercings.

"I want the silver stud one!" Hoseok announced to Jimin and his other friend, who Jimin learned was Yoongi.

Jimin nodded, grinning at Yoongi who still had the same frown on his face.

"It's still a bad idea."

Hoseok followed Jimin to one of the back rooms, where Jimin collected his needles and the piercings, and then walked Hoseok, who was still drunk, into a separate room, where his other customer was still waiting.

Hoseok started to giggle again when Jimin told him to take off his shirt.

"Well," Hoseok hiccupped, "At least buy me dinner first!"

Jimin groaned. This day was absolutely terrible, and Hoseok just had to go and make it even worse.

"Just take off your damn shirt so we can get this over with."

Hoseok pulled his shirt over his head, shivering as the cold air hit his body.

"It's so fucking cold." Hoseok complained.

Jimin ignored him, as he started to clean the needles. Hoseok watched him, hiccuping again.

"Is that gonna go in my nipple?" He asked, pointing to the needle. Jimin nodded in response.

Hoseok gasped. "But I don't wanna lose my nipple!" He covered his chest with both of his hands in a poor attempt to hide it.

"You won't lose your nipples, Hoseok. You're drunk."

Hoseok grinned. "N-No I'm not. Yoongi promised he wouldn't let me get drunk."

"Well, he broke the promise, because you're drunk."

Hoseok winced when Jimin started to rub some rubbing alcohol on his left nipple, and then cried out when he pushed the needle through.

Jimin couldn't fucking believe it. He was piercing Hoseok's nipples. He hated Hoseok.

Then he pierced the other nipple, and then Namjoon, the friend with the bleached hair, chickened out at the last second, and walked out piercing free.

Just as they were walking out, Yoongi turned around.

"Aren't you the guy he hates?" He asked.

Jimin nodded, laughing a bit. "Yeah, he hates me."

Yoongi chuckled, following Hoseok and Namjoon out into the cold.

That night was the start of something special, because Jimin realized that Hoseok wasn't half bad.

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