chapter 8

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You know I wasn't just a space in your head. I am flesh and bone and I bleed like the rest.

Hoseok felt his heart pounding as he ran through the trees with Jimin, the anticipation growing as they neared the end of the large cluster of pine trees.

"Jimin-" Hoseok began, panting slightly.

Jimin just lifted a finger to his lips, grinning at Hoseok.

"Just a little further."

Jimin led Hoseok down a dirt path, leaving the trees behind them, and an foreign landscape in front of them.

Rocks and aspen tree bordered the trail in either side of them, a slight breeze flittering through the air. The weather was just about perfect, and Hoseok never felt happier.

The sky was blue, except for the small amount of fluffy clouds scattered across the atmosphere. They passed a small waterfall, and Hoseok was mesmerized by the rainbow light reflecting off the water's surface.

Once they reach a small stream, Jimin turned around to face Hoseok, taking both of his hands in his grasp, a small smile still decorating his lips.

"Okay, so we'll say it at the same time." Jimin decided.

Hoseok nodded, taking a deep breath.

"On the count of three..."




A chorus of the two statements filled the air.

I love you.

I'm leaving soon.

Hoseok gaped at Jimin, and Jimin back to Hoseok. The sound of birds singing filled the air, and all seemed well.

But it wasn't.

"Y-You love me?"

"You're leaving?"

Both of the boys looked at each other, still in shock from the two confessions. Jimin let Hoseok's words sink into him, I love you, but all the voices inside Jimin's head told him at he was lying.

Suddenly, what seemed like a good idea, turned into something Jimin wished he never even suggested.

"Oh my God, Hoseok, I-I'm so-"

Hoseok shook his head, tears threatening to spill over into his cheeks, so he avoided Jimin's gaze.

"I should've never said anything, I'm sorry Jimin."

For some reason, Hoseok thought that Jimin's shock spoke for him, and that he didn't think of Hoseok in that way. It was foolish for him to go making a confession like that.

"Why are you leaving?" Hoseok asked, his voice breaking. Jimin could tell that he was crying, even if he wasn't looking at him anymore.

"I got a job at a tattoo shop in Los Angeles. It pays really well." Jimin could tell that he was trying to explain himself to Hoseok, but there was nothing to explain.

He was leaving.

Hoseok nodded, wiping away tears with the back of his hand, which was a pathetic attempt overall.

"Y-yeah, that's good. Following your dream and all that." Hoseok sniffed, trying to prevent any other tears from falling.

Silence filled the air once again, and Jimin felt something wet on his cheek. He was crying as well.

"They're gonna bring back the thrift store when I leave. You used to love it."

Jimin chuckled a bit at the memory reoccurring in his mind.

"I think I remember that's why you hated me so much, because my shop caused it to shut down."

Hoseok laughed softly, going back 7 months before, when he had first given Jimin the lotus flowers.

"Aww, how sweet! Hoseok gave me flowers!" Jimin said in a teasing tone. Hoseok rolled his eyes, printing out a receipt.

"This is the first, and the last time I'll ever give you 'flowers'." Hoseok grumbled, handing Jimin his change.

Hoseok could feel himself shaking as he reached up to wipe away even more tears, but he found that Jimin was already wiping them away with the pad of his thumb.

"I-I still hate you, Park Jimin." Hoseok replied, placing his hand over Jimin's.

"I know."

Hoseok shook his head.

"I really fucking hate you." Hoseok let out a small sob, finally looking up and meeting Jimin's eyes.

Whatever he saw in Jimin's eyes, caused him to break. It may have been the pain, or the realization that Jimin actually loved Hoseok as well, more then he could ever imagine.

Hoseok felt himself falling as Jimin wrapped his arms around his trembling frame. Hoseok laid his head on Jimin's chest. At this point, he was full on sobbing, and he didn't know if he could ever stop.

Hoseok brought up his hands, curled up into fists, on Jimin's chest as well.

"I hate you." Hoseok shouted, shaking from his everlasting tears. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" Hoseok repeated it, as if it was a mantra that could stop Jimin from leaving.

It pained Jimin to see Hoseok in such distress, but given the current situation, Jimin also believed it was all his fault.

"I know."


omg so sorry

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