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 “It Seems You Are Quite Flushed For Him. Aren't You, Jade?” Kanaya asked me with a wry smile on her face.

It was two days away before we leave Alternia. I had explored some places because I realized I wouldn't be able to see it anymore I guess. :/ I wandered here and there, taking some little stuff I probably shouldn't like rocks and tiny cute things that I'm not even sure what they are but they look nice! :D

Kanaya had seen me and invited me to her place for some tea. We were talking about the game being over and then I couldn't remember how we got to this point.

I blushed. “Yeah, but don't tell him that.”

“I Think Dave Already Knows.”

!!! “He does???” :O

“No I Was Kidding,” she chuckled.

I had to laugh as well. “It seems like you're being more of a human than a troll now, Kanaya. Is it because of Rose?” I nudged her playfully.

She stopped laughing and suddenly looked very sad.


She turned to me. “Jade Dear, I Um... Uh...”


My eyes went wide when she suddenly took her shirt off and was left wearing her black long sleeve sweater. What on earth was she doing!? Not stripping down I hope?! I backed away a little bit. She wouldn't cheat on Rose, right?? What was I thinking! She loved Rose! And the three of us were all friends!! Why... What now...

She folded her shirt on her lap and held it to me. “Pardon My Request, But I Require You To Please Give This Personal Fabric Of Mine To My Matesprit.”

Whew. I gladly took her black shirt, the one with the green Virgo symbol on it. “Okay, but are you sure? Wouldn't you want to do it by yourself?” I wondered.

She shifted uncomfortably. “I Would Not Be Able To Give It To Her Even If I Wanted To When The Time Came. Also She And I Are Not Really On Good Terms Since A Few Days Ago.”

:( “Oh. I'm sorry. What happened?”

“I Um, Had To Say Goodbye To Her And I Ran Away Before She Could Say Anything.”

That stopped me short. “Oh, you're not coming with us?”

She looked at me. “What?”

“I guess you didn't let her talk like you said. She wants you to come with us, silly.” I grinned. “She's been going on and on about it to us ever since the game ended and asked not to say it to you because she wanted to mention it herself.”

Tears had welled in Kanaya's eyes. What, did I say something?? D;

“I Could Not Possibly Go With The Four Of You,” she wiped her tears with one hand but she was still crying. “Because It Would Not Be Appropriate. I Am Not Human And I Do Not Really Deserve Rose Anymore For I Have Hurt Her.”

“Oh, no Kanaya. Rose really loves you. You know that. Maybe if you guys made up, everything will be okay again.” I felt sad 'cause she was sad.

She sniffed and sighed. “No. My Decision Is Final. This Is For The Best Due To Everyone's Responsibilities And We All Have To Reciprocate With It. Besides, The Four Of You Have To Repopulate Your Planet. What Would Be My Use? Rose Would Just Decline To Intercourse With John If I Was There.”

“Then make her stay with you.”

She cried again. “I Cannot Comply With That.”

“Why not??” ;___; I felt confused and sad. I didn't really want to see anyone cry. Especially when they didn't used to before.

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