Chapter 8: Prank Has A Plan

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Prank was standing outside the store, starring into the window. 

I'm gonna do it, he thought to himself. Here it goes. He took the nearest trashcan, spun it around and threw it into the window. The store alarm went off. He walked over to the check-out desk, started flipping switches until the alarm went off. 

"There," he said to himself. "Now just wait for the cops and B-man to show up." He began to look around. He broke into a toy/candy shop called Franny's Fun Time Emporium. The place and name sounded like a trap for kids set up by child predators. Prank walked over to the counter and grabbed a blue lollipop, and he put it in his mouth. 

"Blue raspberry," he said. "My favorite." He began to walk around the store.

It seemed like it was taking forever for the cops to show up. He was so bored. He already played with the new Captain Star Shield action figure,  he read through all the Raven Deathblade the Witch comics, and he played catch with the windows, which weren't good at catching balls. They were so fragile. He could hear the faint sound of police sirens wailing at, well, he forgot what time it was.

"Finally," he said. He began to make his way up to the front of the store. He saw a shelf with a whole bunch of different rag dolls called the Giggly Girls. 

"Oh," he said picking up a doll with yellow hair, and lemons all over her white dress.  She had and evil look in her button eyes, and a huge smile."Lemon Drop, I bet Trixie will love her. But, Bubblegum seems to look like she captures Trixie's personality."

"What are you doing here Prank," said a voice all too familiar. The police were getting closer. "Are you trying to go to jail?"

"No," said Prank sarcastically. He began to think of what to say. "I just wanted to buy Bubblegum here. I heard she a collector's item."

"I don't have time for games," said Batman angrily. 

"Neither do I," said Prank. It sounded good in his head, but as he said it, he realized it made no sense. Oh well. "But, I'm not going to jail without a fight." The police cars were getting closer. Perfect, Prank thought. Batman began to approach and Prank began to through the Giggly Girls at him. 

"Stay back B-man," he said. Batman was face to face with Prank. Prank grabbed another Giggly Girl off the shelf and slapped Batman hard with it. Batman stumbled back a bit wiping the blood from his nose. 

"And Blueberry Pie sticks the landing," Prank said in an announcer's voice. He began to do a little hand shake with the doll. "I like this one." Batman was ready to fight, and Prank ran up to him with Blueberry Pie in his hands. Prank immediately swung his hand with Blueberry Pie right over Batman's head in order to hit him there, but Batman dodged it and swat the doll out of his hand, and he kicked Prank. Prank landed on his back and Blueberry was tossed somewhere.

"My doll!" Prank called out. "Oh, now you're gonna get it." Prank grabbed a tennis racket that was by his head. The police's siren were even closer. He swung his racket, Batman blocked, but Prank pushed Batman back with his foot. Prank jumped (his back towards Batman), and he kicked Batman, and landed sideways on his feet. Then he began to swing his tennis racket as if he was trying to cut Batman. Batman dodged and knock Prank down. Batman was walking over to him, but Prank used his foot to sweep Batman off the ground. Batman fell and Prank got up and ran towards Batman, his racket high in the air. Batman put his hands on the ground, as if he was ready to do a kick-up, and he pushed Prank away from him while doing a kick-up. Prank landed on the ground, again,  the racket sprawled out of his hand. He was going to get up, but Batman grabbed Prank by his suit and lifted him up. 

"I told you that I didn't have time for you," Batman growled. 

"Oh, someone's pissed," Prank said. The police arrived. "Well I give up. Take me away! Lock me up for my crimes! I deserve it!"

"Shut-up!" yelled Batman. Commissioner Gordon began to walk over to them with handcuffs in his hand. Batman let go of Prank and Gordon put on the handcuff with Prank's hands behind his back. 

"You have the right to remain silent-," Gordon said.

"Yeah, yeah," Prank interrupted. "Anything I say will be used against me in court, blah, blah, blah. I've seen Cops before." Gordon sighed and and took Prank to a police car. Prank turned around and stuck his tongue out at Batman, and began to laugh. After the cops mirandized him, they put him in the car, or at least tried to. Prank was trying to resist and hear what Gordon and Batman had to say. The cops began to disarm him. 

"Where should we take him for his trial?" Gordon asked.

"Blackgate," Batman said. "He's not crazy enough for Arkham." When Prank heard that, he nearly flipped out.

"Not crazy enough Bat-lame!" Prank yelled. "Trixie's not crazy enough, but yet she went to Arkham! Why don't I get to go to Arkham! I deserve to be in ARKHAM ASYLUM! I'M CRAZY!"

"How do you know Trixster went to Arkham?" Batman asked. "You weren't there."

Crap, Prank thought. Blew my cover

"What are you talking about?" Prank asked. "Now you sound crazy." Prank began to laugh. "Whatever B-man. Take me to Blackgate. I'll just breakout of there." Then Prank began to laugh some more, and he was finally put inside the police car. 

"Keep a close eye on him," said Batman. "He's up to something. He's got some twisted plan in that brain of his."

"Consider it done Batman," Gordon said. He turned around. "Malone! Maxwell! Take Prank to Blackgate!" Two officers began to get in the car with Prank and they drove off. 

"I've sent some of my best and most trusted men to take Prank to Blackgate," Gordon said. After he heard no reply he turned around to find no one. "Should've known."

The ride was long but they came to a stop.

"Get out the car," said one of the officers. Prank did and he looked around. There was an island with a prison facility on it. They stopped on a dock and there were police boats all around, but no one to man them. But it was pretty early in the morning, or late at night. Light was shining all over the shore and building of the island. 

Perfect, Prank thought. They can't see me from here

"Well kid," said the other officer. "Welcome to Blackgate Penitentiary. Well, the other side at least. This is going to be your new home for, well, ever probably." 

Trixster: Joker's Daughter Book 1: Daddy's Lil' MonsterWhere stories live. Discover now