Chapter 18: Phase Two Begins

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"I am so glad that you all made it to my coronation," said Joker pretending to wipe tears from his eyes. He dawned a king's crown and cape held a golden scepter with a fake ruby hilt and the head of Joker on the top.

"You're becoming mayor Joker," said Penguin. "Not becoming King."

"Don't step on Papa J's moment," said Trixster.

"Yeah," agreed Harley. "Don't step on Mistah J's moment. Becoming mayor could be like becoming king."

"Whatever," Penguin replied.

"People of Gotham," said Joker. " I am Joker, your new king!" People cheered.

"Mayor," said Two-Face.

"Whatever," scowled Joker. "And as your king, I have set some new rules for my kingdom!" The people began to cheer again. On the roof, Batgirl looked at Nightwing. 

"This is so insane," she said.

"Well," said Nightwing. "This is the Joker."

"So, first rule of the kingdom is...that there are no rules," said Joker smiling wide. "Well, except one and that is that You all have to do what I say 'cause I'm the king. Now go, and have fun! Raid, plunder, do whatever you want, the city is your playground." The people began to cheer louder than ever before and they ran off committing whatever crime they wanted.

"This is madness," said Batgirl. The Joker called to goons over and said something to them. Batgirl couldn't make out what he was saying, but whatever it was must've been important because they left in a hurry.

"We should follow them," said Batgirl. "Wherever they're going must be important or else they won't be moving they way they are." 

"What about the villains, Batman, Gotham?" asked Nightwing. 

"You really think that we could take all these bad guys?" asked Batgirl. "I mean there are two people who can manipulate plants on a molecular level, three murderous, insane clowns, some weird ninja clown who can paralyze you, a short guy with a umbrella filled with crazy gadgets, a man on steroids with a personal vendetta against us, and a seriously scarred used-to-be district attorney."

"Who's the ninja clown?" asked Nightwing.

"Prank, but that's not the point," said Batgirl. "Batman and Robin are currently M.I.A, I have no idea where are the police forces, and Gotham is in disarray. These goons are going somewhere important and I have a feeling that where they're going Batman is sure to be there. We're all Gotham has. Honestly, I have no idea what to do."

"Well, you made it clear that we shouldn't fight those guys down there," said Nightwing. We probably should follow these guys, but it is strange that none of the GCPD are out on the streets. Plus, where is Robin?" As if on cue, Batgirl heard someone on her earpiece talk.

"Miss Gordon," said the voice on the intercom. "Can you hear me?"

"Alfred," said Batgirl. "And how many times do we have to go over this, just call me Barbara."

"I'm sorry Miss Gordon...I mean Barbara," said Alfred. Nightwing chuckled. "Is that Master Dick with you?"

"Yes," said Nightwing. "And it's Nightwing, Alfred."

"Sorry again," said Alfred.

"Alfred what is it?" asked Batgirl.

"It's Master Tim," said Alfred. "I haven't heard back from him. And I don't have a clue where Batman is. His tracker seems to be broken or some other."

"Where were they last seen?" asked Nightwing.

"Both at the fun house in the abandoned amusement park.," said Alfred. 

"We'll check it out," said Batgirl.

"Thank you Barbara," said Alfred. 

"Alright," said Batgirl. "Time to get down to business. You go check the fun house, and I'll tail these guys. When you find Robin, try and find Batman if he hasn't already and check the GCPD, see why they aren't out on the streets."

"What about the mind controlled citizens?" asked Nightwing.

"Um, we'll figure it out," said Batgirl. "Hopefully these guys won't do anything else crazy while we're gone."

"I doubt it," said Nightwing. He began to walk off, and so did Batgirl. Nightwing turned around. "Barbara, good luck." Batgirl turned around and smiled.

"Same to you too." She jumped right off the roof leaving Nightwing alone. 

"This is going to be one hell of a night," Nightwing said. Then he jumped off the roof and used his grapple and flew off into the night. Joker turned away from the roof that Nightwing and Batgirl were just on. 

"This is perfect," said Joker. "With those two busy, and soon about to die, I'd say Phase Two is complete. Gotham is mine." He began to laugh again. Harley gave a sigh of admiration.

"You mean 'ours'," said Mr. Freeze. The other villains looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Oh yeah," said Joker rolling his eyes. "'Ours'." 

Trixster: Joker's Daughter Book 1: Daddy's Lil' MonsterWhere stories live. Discover now