Chapter 19: Gotham Has Fallen

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Trixster and Prank were prancing down the streets. Everything around them going to hell. People committing crimes here and there, doing whatever they wanted. It was all so glorious. 

"Isn't this wonderful, Prank?" asked Trixster. "All of Gotham has fallen into complete disarray. It's like poetry." Prank gave off a weak laugh.

"Yeah real wonderful Sugar," Prank said, his voice shaky.

"What's the matter with you?" asked Trixster. 

"Nothin'," replied Prank. "It's just that I don't want no one to come up and try to shoot me. These people are kinda scary." 

"Oh, get over it ya big baby," said Trixster. "You're some weird ninja. You can kill them in ten seconds flat."

"I guess you're right," agreed Prank. "But still." 

"With Gotham like this, it'll be hard for Batman to do anything."

"Speaking of Batman," said Prank. "Ya still think he's trapped in that plant pod thingy?"

"Nope," replied Trixster. "I'm sure one of his Bat-brats got him out." 

"Well, shouldn't we go back to Joker if Batman and his brats are loose?" asked Prank.

"But we just left," complained Trixster. She heard some glass break behind her.  she saw some people break into a jewelry store. Then she looked around and saw someone start a fight with some other dude. And then someone stole a car, and then some woman set fire to a building. A guy came running up to Trixster and Prank.

"Gimme your money," he yelled. Prank immediately began press his pressure points and the man fell down paralyzed. Then some a group of guys tried to pick a fight with them. Trixster pulled out her gun and shot some of them while Prank used his martial arts to take out the other guys.

"Prank," said Trixster.

"Yeah?" asked Prank.

"Don't know some pressure point thingy that can kill somebody?" Trixster asked.

"Um," he began. One more guy came up with a knife, and he tried to stab Trixster. Prank disarmed the man and grabbed him so fast, it was scary. Trixster never saw this side of him before.

"No one tries to kill my Sugar," he said. The man stuggled as he tried to get free, but Prank had a good grip on him. He pressed one of the man's pressure points. The man's body immediately went limp. Prank dropped him and the man hit the ground hard, but he didn't make a sound. In fact he wasn't breathing, he was dead.

"Anyway," Prank said looking at Trixster. "What made you ask the question?" Trixster smiled.

"No reason," she replied. 

"And this is the reason why I was so against being out here," Prank said.

"Whatever," Trixster said waving her hand. "I found it cool, especially the part when you killed that guy."

"Yeah, yeah," he said dismissively. "Now let's go back to the city hall. There's nothing to do out here." He began to drag Trixster with him. Trixster pulled her hand away.

"Fine," she agreed. "But I can walk myself, thank you very much."

Nightwing arrived at the abandoned fun house. 

"Well," he said to himself. "Let's see if Robin is here. He began to walk in. Suddenly he saw a vine reach for him. He ducked and stabbed one of his night sticks into it and it died. Nightwing looked up and saw three plants with Batman, Robin, and Catwoman trapped inside. Inside the plants, they hung over some liquid, and their mouths covered by a leaf.

Trixster: Joker's Daughter Book 1: Daddy's Lil' MonsterWhere stories live. Discover now