Chapter 11: Into the Mansion

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"This is crazy," cried Prank. "Are we really gonna do this?" They were standing outside the Wayne Manor. Each of them had a satchel. Their stolen police car was parked outside. the gate.

"Yep," Trixster said.

"Like I said, this is crazy," Prank said back. "We're breaking into the mansion, vandalizing stuff, possibly steal stuff, and leaving the mansion in the middle of the day."

"Well," Trixster said. "I am crazy, I think, and this is the perfect way to get the publicity that we need to make Joker jealous."

"How do you know that we will make Joker jealous?" Prank asked. "And how do you know that we won't get caught?"

"Because Bruce Wayne is out at an interview of some sorts," replied Trixster.

"But Bruce isn't the only person that lives at Wayne Manor," said Prank. 

"Oh stop being like that," Trixster said. "We have to do this."

"But I don't like the whole idea of it," Prank said. 

"So what," said Trixster. "And we have to get caught, to you know, make it on the news." Prank sighed.

"Oh the things I put up with," he said.

"Yahtzee," Trixster said excitedly. "Now to figure out how to get in. I'm pretty sure Wayne has some sort of protection to keep unwanted people out. Not to mention cameras." Prank looked at the fence keeping them away from the mansion. 

"I'm gonna try to jump the fence," Trixster said. She began to back up away from the fence. When she was about a good ten feet away from the fence, she began to run. Then she jumped and did a flip right over the fence. She landed on the other side. Pranks's eye were wide.

"How did you do that?" he asked. "I thought you were a knife thrower."

"I sometimes used to practice with the circus acrobat," Trixster said. "I picked up a few tricks." Prank smiled.

"Alright," she said. "Now you try." Prank looked at the fence.

"Come on," Trixster taunted. "For a professional gymnast and ninja, you should be able to jump over a fence." Prank nodded.

"Oh, I know," he said. He began to back-up. Then he ran a little, did a series of flips, did a flip over the fence, landed in a hand stand, then did a flip right into a split. Trixster rolled her eyes and muttered: "Show off." Prank got up and laughed. They began to run up to the door. Trixster reached for the door.

"I'll be surprised if-" Prank started but stopped as soon as Trixster opened up the door. 

"Here we go," Trixster said and she and Prank walked into the mansion. Trixster quietly closed the door behind her. Then she looked around flabbergasted. They were inside the main foyer. There was a huge fountain smack-dab in the middle, and some steps the led you to the second floor. There were doorways that led into other rooms.

"You know you're rich when you have a fountain in your house," Trixster said. "Well not for long." Trixster pulled out a small bomb from her satchel. She programmed it to go off in fifteen minutes.

"Prank, hand me some purple and green spray paint," she said. Prank gave her the spray paint. Meet back here in ten minutes. Then the two ran off spraying whatever was in sight. Trixster ran into a room filled with books. There was a chair in the middle of the room and a fireplace in front of it. She began to throw some books off the shelf onto the floor. She sprayed: Trixster was here, and HA, HA, HA all over the wall. She heard footsteps coming her way. She immediately ran over to the chair and sat in it. She hoped that they couldn't see her.

"Come on Alfred," said a boy. He sounded a little older than Trixster. "I'm just going out for a little while."

"I'm sorry Master Tim," said a man with a British accent. Trixster guessed that he may have been in his late fifties. "But Master Bruce said that you needed to be here until he gets back."

"Whatever," said the boy. Then he stopped. 

"What is it Master Tim?" asked the man.

"I have  feeling that someone is in this room," the boy replied back. Trixster could here his footsteps walking. They were getting closer to the chair, and Trixster got ready for a fight, but the man said: "Oh dear."

"What?" asked the boy.

"Well," said the man. "I think that we have intruders. Look around you Master Tim." The boy must have looked at the room that Trixster trashed because he then said:

"I'll contact the police," and then Trixster heard the two walk off. 

"Shit," she said to herself. "Gotta get Prank. This is not how this was supposed to be." She walked into the room that the two men walked out of. She came to an office. She then did some more vandalizing. 

"Prank," she whispered. She found nothing. Then she left the room. 

Now she was on the second floor. She looked through some of the rooms, but didn't find any sign of Prank. She began to get worried. Then she felt someone or something  tap her shoulder. She was ready to beat up whatever was there, so she turned around and found Prank. She hugged him.

"We need to get out of here," he whispered. 

"That's why I came looking for you," she whispered back. They began to make their way downstairs.

"For a rich man," Prank began to whisper. "Wayne doesn't have anything of value. They were almost down the stairs until the bomb went off. Chunks of rock and water went flying damaging wall and paintings. Trixster and Prank ducked and thankfully nothing hit them. The two men came out from a room on the second floor.

"What is all this ruckus?" asked the man. He spotted Prank and Trixster. "You two stop right there." They began to run over to them. Prank did a flip right over the balcony and landed on his feet on the first floor. Trixster, knowing she couldn't make that jump, ran for the stairs. The man and the boy tried to block, but she pushed them out of the way and slid down the railing of the stairs. She jumped off the railing and began run.

"So, still think your plan worked?" asked Prank running right behind her.

"Well," Trixster admitted. "Maybe it could've used a little extra thought." Trixster and Prank ran out of the mansion into the daylight. The man and the boy were still chasing them.  Prank did a flip over the fence and shot the lock so Trixster get out. They got in the car, and rode away.

"Let's never break into the Wayne Manor again," said Prank at the wheel. "Agreed?"

"Agreed," said Trixster. "But hey, I bet you we'll make the news soon."

Trixster: Joker's Daughter Book 1: Daddy's Lil' MonsterWhere stories live. Discover now