Chapter 1

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He woke up in a metal lift in almost complete darkness, he could make out the faint outlines of boxes and another figure lying sprawled on the floor like he had been moments ago. The figure suddenly sat up straight and he saw it was a girl, about sixteen. How old was he? He didn't know, all he knew was his name: Thomas. Nothing else.

The girl looked as disoriented as he felt, eyes darting around in confusion until they met his. Thomas couldn't see what she looked like in the pitch black, her eyes showed nothing but confusion and disbelief. He didn't know her, had no idea who she was or how the two of them had got into this lift thing.

Whatever it was they were in was suddenly filled with a blinding white light, when it faded he could see teenage boys and girls looking down at them. Just kids, no older than the girl in the lift with him.

In the light he could see her better, she was pretty, tall and thin but not too much of either. Her skin was brown, she had very short, very dark hair and stared around with almost black eyes. He still didn't recognise her, who was she? Who was he?

The boys and girls above started talking, apparently about them.
"Two more greenies, as usual."
"Good thing they're older than the last ones, this place isn't a nursery."
"Well finally. Wonder why they came up late."
"I thought the ones who came up in the Box together looked similar?"
A thick rope was lowered down, first to the girl, pulling her up then to Thomas. Hands pulled him out and onto the grass. The girl was stood a few feet away looking around.

"Welcome to the Glade greenies." A boy's voice announced and a cheer went up around them.
The boys and girls all wore normal clothes, t-shirts, shorts and trainers. It all seemed so normal for such a strange place.

A black haired boy looked at Thomas and the girl with absolute loathing, he tapped the mean looking girl next to him on the shoulder and she looked at them the same way. What was their problem? He couldn't remember having done anything.

Thomas looked around at the surroundings, a field surrounded by gigantic stone walls with four gaps along them, dotted with trees and buildings. What had the boy called this place? The Glade or something?

"Where am I." Thomas asked, his voice sounded perfectly normal, at least he thought so, he couldn't even remember what normal was.

A boy about seventeen with dark skin and close cropped hair answered him. "It's a long story, shank," he said. "Piece by piece, you'll learn—I'll be takin' you on the Tour tomorrow. Till then ... just don't break anything." He held a hand out. "Name's Alby." He waited, clearly wanting to shake hands, but Thomas refused.

"Alby," a girl walked over shaking her head, she also had dark skin and close cropped hair but looked significantly younger, only about fifteen. She was almost a slightly darker version of the girl in the lift with him.

"Stop scaring the klunk outta the greenies, save it for the Tour." She turned to Thomas and the girl. "I'm Harriet." She held her hand out to the girl and she shook it gingerly. "So what're your names? Doesn't matter if they're bad someone here will have got worse."

"Rachel." The girl said and they all turned to Thomas.
"Thomas." He said quickly desperate to avert the attention from himself.

A/N: This story isn't a new one but I haven't updated the old one in two years and it needed editing, I am planning to write more. I am also wondering if I should write some sections from the point of view of characters other than Thomas. Please review so I know if anyone thinks I should continue rewriting.

Trials Together (Book One): The Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now