Erica Goes into Labor Part 1.....Cyn and Shad Fight

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*4 months later*

It's been 4 months of ups and downs for me. I am ready to pop and I have been annoying to Cyn. King is having fun with this at her dispense. Cyn is trying and that's all I could ever ask for. I'm so ready to pop. Shad moved here when I was 8 months so he could be closer to me when the baby arrives. I am in the living room talking to Albee and Sway when my water breaks.

Albee: So E how are we going to do this

Erica: I don't know

Sway: I say we keep him on edge

Erica: Make him think we know something

Sway: Cool

Erica: Damn *moans*

Albee: What's wrong E

Erica: Shit that hurts

Albee: Is it the baby

Sway: Ummm Al

Albee: What

Sway: Look down *looking  down*

Albee:*looks down*

Erica: My water broke

Albee: Shit let's get her to the hospital

*at the hospital*

Erica: Where is my wife

Albee: She's coming E

Sway: Yeah

Erica: I want my wife now

Albee: Okay E

Cyn:*running in* Baby

Erica: Cyn

After Cyn came Albee and Sway left and the family came in and Shad came in and his peoples came in. Cyn was trying to calm Erica down and Shad came in and Cyn blew up and things happened

Cyn: Baby


Cyn:*rubbing her back* Baby breathe in and out in and out


Cyn: Damn baby

Erica:*squeezing Cyns hand*

Cyn: SHIT babe let go of my hand

Erica: I'm sorry Cyn okay babe I'm so sorry for everything

Cyn: It's okay Erica

Erica: No babe I am truly sorry

Cyn: It's the pain talking

Erica: No it's me talking

Cyn: I forgave you a long time ago

Shad:*walking in* How are you E

Cyn: Really nigga

Shad: Really what

Cyn: We was in the middle of something

Shad: I'm here for Erica and this baby

Cyn: I don't give a damn

Shad: Bitch

Erica: Shad

Shad: Sorry E

Cyn: Get the fuck out of here

Shad: I'm not leaving

Cyn: Get the fuck out now

Shad: My baby bitch which means your ass should be going

Cyn: Too bad cause my fiancé my baby my world

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