Hurt Again

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Gray POV

My body was really warm when I woke up. I looked down to see Juvia struggling to break free of my grasp around her. In shock, I let her go.

"I'm so sorry Juvia! I didn't realize-"

"Enough! get out of my house Gray!" She yelled. Deflated, I ran out of the house and towards the guild.

Juvia POV

Oh no what have I done? Why did I send Gray away? tears welled up in my eyes as I dressed to go to the guild.

When I arrived, no one paid any attention to me. I wanted Gray to notice me.

I spotted him sitting at a table with a cigarette in his hand. I felt myself walking over and sitting down across from him.

Gray POV

This whole incident with Juvia has made me pick up smoking again, but the nicotine wasn't enough. I needed her worse than nicotine (I love you if you get that PATD reference). I inhaled another breath as Juvia sat down across from me.

"I'm sorry for how I acted this morning," she whispered but I still heard her.

"It's ok. I'm just a perv anyway," I replied. She wrinkled her nose.

"Can you not smoke around me? I'm allergic to tobacco," she asked. I threw the cigarette away and put mint gum in my mouth.

"Juvia," I heard myself say. She looked at me, egging me to continue.

"I just wanted to say- " I began. Suddenly, a flying Natsu crashed into a neighboring table.

Juvia POV

I heard a crash near me, but it was too late to move. My body had crushed under the table and everything faded to black.

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